10 Coolest Playable Characters In Unicorn Overlord

10 Coolest Playable Characters In Unicorn Overlord

Unicorn Overlord introduces players to a diverse cast of characters, each with their own unique abilities and personalities that contribute to the game’s rich narrative and strategic depth. From Prince Alain, the determined protagonist seeking to reclaim his rightful throne, to Lex, Scarlett, and Chloe, players will encounter a variety of allies and adversaries throughout their journey across the continent of Fevrith. Assembling the perfect team becomes paramount in navigating the game’s tactical battles and unraveling its storyline, making each playable character a crucial component in the epic struggle against General Valmore and the forces of darkness.

Unicorn Overlord has characters ranging from battle-hardened warriors to mages and scouts, each with their distinct playstyles and abilities. As players delve deeper into Unicorn Overlord‘s lore-rich world, they’ll discover the unique strengths and personalities that define these memorable characters and drive the game’s captivating narrative forward. Unicorn Overlord’s diverse cast of over 60 recruitable characters offers a wealth of strategic options and unique personalities. Here’s a look at the top 10 coolest playable characters, based on their skills, stories, and impact on the Liberation Army’s fight:

10 Coolest Playable Characters In Unicorn Overlord


Unicorn Overlord Review: “Rivals Some Of The Best Of Fire Emblem”

Unicorn Overlord is a wonderful tactics RPG with the same penchant for world-building, narrative, and strategic depth that Fire Emblem is known for.

Alain (Lord)

Leader Effect: Morale Boost

Alain embodies the classic hero archetype. He wields his noble lineage to lead the fight against the tyrannical Zephyrian Empire. His journey isn’t just about reclaiming his birthright, but also about the personal growth and leadership qualities he develops along the way. Alain’s story is one of growth and transformation. Initially sheltered and unprepared for the harsh realities of war, he must learn to adapt, strategize, and inspire his troops.

Scarlett (Priestess)

Leader Effect: Healing Assist

Unicorn Overlord Scarlett Event Tranquil Altar

Scarlett’s faith and dedication to healing make her a crucial support unit, keeping the Liberation Army fighting fit. Her loyalty to Alain and his cause and her faith in the power of healing and compassion make her a beacon of hope during war. Her Priestess class excels in keeping allies healthy through a variety of healing spells and defensive buffs.

Lex (Fighter)

Leader Effect: Resist Ranged Assist

Lex’s youthful enthusiasm and loyalty make him a fan favorite. His eagerness to learn and prove himself to Alain and the Liberation Army makes him a likable character. As a Fighter class, Lex excels in close-quarters combat, protecting allies with his high physical defense and using skills like Shield Bash to stun enemies and Quick Guard to block enemies with a medium guard. Lex’s journey is one of maturation. Witnessing his growth from a hotheaded youth to a disciplined soldier adds depth to his character arc and showcases the transformative power of experience.

Clive and Scarlett from Unicorn Overlord with Bruno hulking over them in the background.


Does Unicorn Overlord Demo Progress Carry Over To The Full Game?

A demo for the tactical RPG, Unicorn Overlord, launched on February 21, but can players carry over their progress when the full game is released?

Josef (Paladin)

Leader Effect: Resist Magick Assist

Joseph in Unicorn Overlord with a map in the background.

Josef’s loyalty, experience, and mastery of magic make him an excellent protector and mentor to Alain and the Liberation Army. He has the archetype of the seasoned warrior, offering not only in combat but also guidance and wisdom. As a pre-promoted Paladin class, Josef has superior stats and powerful skills like Divine Cross that attacks. Witnessing Josef’s dedication to the Cornian royal family and his role in shaping Alain into a capable leader adds depth to the narrative. Players can see how Josef’s experience and wisdom serve as a guiding light for Alain, helping him navigate the complexities of war and leadership.

Cloud Strife from FF7 Rebirth in front of Yukari Takeba from Persona 3 and characters from Avowed.


10 Most Anticipated RPGs Of 2024

The slate of RPGs in 2024 is already pretty full, and there’s some particularly exciting titles that stand out among the options coming to the table.

Chloe (Soldier)

Leader Effect: Quick RestUO Chloe Fight

Chloe’s loyalty, skillset, and dedication to her comrades make her a valuable asset to the Liberation Army. Her loyalty to Alain and her dedication to protecting her friends, along with her adaptability on the battlefield, make her a well-rounded and reliable character. As a Soldier class, Chloe offers both offensive and support capabilities. Witnessing her development throughout the game, from a loyal soldier to a trusted confidante of Alain, adds depth to her character arc and highlights the importance of camaraderie in the face of adversity.

Hodrick (Hoplite)

Leader Effect: Resist Ranged Assist

UO Hodrick Fight

Hodrick’s story of redemption and his transformation from antagonist to valuable ally adds depth and intrigue to the narrative. His journey from an enemy manipulated by a curse to a powerful ally fighting for the liberation of Cornia is a compelling arc that challenges players’ perceptions and showcases the potential for even the most hardened individuals to change. As a Hoplite class, Hodrick has exceptional physical defense and skills. Players can see how he grapples with the guilt of his past actions while striving to earn the trust of his former enemies and contribute to the Liberation Army’s cause.

Unicorn Overlord cast of characters, Alain is in the middle looking tough surrounded by the large crowd of others.


Unicorn Overlord Hands On Preview: “A Plethora Of Lore, Strategy, & Secrets For Players To Discover”

A new hands-on look at the upcoming tactical roleplaying game Unicorn Overlord showed off impressive strategic depth and an engaging fantasy story.

Clive (Knight)

Leader Effect: Quick Rest

Clive’s strategic mind and mastery of combat make him a powerful leader and valuable asset in planning the Liberation Army’s maneuvers. His calm demeanor and loyalty to Alain create a compelling character who inspires confidence and trust. As a Knight class, Clive excels in both offense and defense. Seeing Clive collaborate with Alain and Josef to strategize the Liberation Army’s path to victory showcases his tactical expertise and unwavering loyalty. Players can witness how his strategic thinking and calm leadership contribute to the army’s success, highlighting the importance of planning and coordination in warfare.


Leader Effect: Quick Rest

Unicorn Overlord Travis Discuss

Travis’s mysterious past and espionage skills add a layer of intrigue and tactical diversity to the Liberation Army’s arsenal. His unorthodox methods create a sense of mystery, while his effectiveness on the battlefield makes him a valuable asset. Unraveling the secrets of Travis’s past and witnessing his contribution to the Liberation Army adds depth and intrigue to the narrative. Players can see how he uses his unique skillset to disrupt enemy operations, gather valuable intel, and navigate the complexities of espionage, showcasing the vital role of covert operations in times of war.

Clive from Final Fantasy 16, Shadowheart from Baldur's Gate 3, and an astronaut from Starfield with the SR 2023 logo and stars in the foreground.


10 Best RPGs Of 2023

From Final Fantasy XVI to Baldur’s Gate 3, this was a great year for RPGs, but these ten games stood out as the best of the bunch in 2023.

Aubin (Mercenary)

Leader Effect: Barrier Breaker

Aubin on blurred background from Unicorn Overlord.

Aubin’s journey from a hardened mercenary to a reluctant ally adds a complex layer to the narrative, showcasing the moral complexities of war and the power of camaraderie. His initial focus on personal gain gradually shifts towards a sense of purpose and belonging, making him a character who undergoes development. Players can see how he grapples with the ethical dilemmas of war, eventually choosing to fight for a cause he believes in, highlighting the transformative power of shared experiences and the importance of fighting for the greater good.

Rolf (Hunter)

Leader Effect: Ranged Assist

Rolf from Unicorn Overlord.

Hailing from Cornia, Rolf’s exceptional skill with a bow and dedication to his homeland make him a valuable asset on the battlefield. His calm demeanor and resolve in the face of adversity inspire his comrades and strike fear into the hearts of his enemies. As a Hunter class, Rolf excels in dealing ranged physical damage from a safe distance. Witnessing Rolf’s dedication to the Cornian Resistance and his effectiveness against flying enemies adds depth to the narrative in Unicorn Overlord.

Unicorn Overlord offers players a diverse and engaging cast of characters, each contributing to the game’s story and strategy. From heroes like Alain to complex figures like Hodrick and Aubin, the characters add depth and excitement to the game. The game has been well-received, drawing inspiration from classic ’90s strategy games while also introducing modern mechanics like the Gambit System from Final Fantasy 12. Players appreciate the blend of old and new in the game’s combat and customization options. With its positive reception and wide availability, Unicorn Overlord promises players a rewarding gaming experience full of adventure and strategic gameplay.

Unicorn Overlord Game Poster

Unicorn Overlord


Nintendo Switch
, PC
, PlayStation 4
, PlayStation 5
, Xbox Series X/S


March 8, 2024




, Sega


, Tactical


Rating Pending