10 Continuity Errors In New Girl

10 Continuity Errors In New Girl

Every human makes mistakes, and showrunners, writers, and production designers are no different. Even the world’s most highly-regarded TV series is bound to make the occasional continuity error. Comedies are especially susceptible to these sorts of blunders as they sometimes prioritize making people laugh over accuracy.

One such comedy is New Girl, which made its fair share of mistakes across seven seasons. However, it’s still a hilarious and charming sitcom with many classic episodes. Plus, the mere fact that viewers notice the errors shows how attentively they’re watching the series. How many of continuity errors have you spotted?

Jess’ Claustrophobia

10 Continuity Errors In New Girl

During the season 2 episode “Bathtub,” Jess reveals to Winston that she is extremely claustrophobic. And she then showcases her fear by closing herself in her closet and panicking.

In the very next episode, her phobia mysteriously disappears as she hides in a wardrobe with Schmidt and Winston with no problems at all. Plus, there’s also the time she sits in her closet to get away from Russell or the many occasions where she rides the elevator without issue. It’s one of a few things about Jess that doesn’t make any sense.

Mural In Winston’s Room

Screenshot New Girl Mural Winston's Room

A common trait of Schmidt’s is that he likes fancy things, though it’s unclear if the strange alien mural he had painted in Winston’s (formally his) room fits into that category. Whether it’s fancy or not, there’s a major inconsistency surrounding it.

When the landlord finds the art, it’s on the closet wall, but later in the season, a bigger version of the piece magically appears behind the bed. It would’ve been strange if Schmidt had commissioned another one to be painted in someone else’s room. And Winston certainly wouldn’t get another as he wasn’t a fan of the first.

Schmidt And Nick’s Age Difference

Screenshot New Girl Nick Miller Jake Johnson Schmidt Max Greenfield

Character ages are one of the more common continuity errors in television, and New Girl makes that same mistake. In the first season, Nick tells Paul that he’s 30 years old, and a few episodes later, Schmidt turns 29.

Those ages are fine until season 2 when Nick claims that Schmidt is only six months older than him. If there’s a six-month age gap between the two characters, it would’ve been impossible for Nick to be 30 before Schmidt’s 29th birthday.

Robbie’s Opinion On Music

Jess and Robby are singing on New Girl

Despite being a beloved supporting character, little is known about Robbie in the early seasons of the show, except that he doesn’t like music. He discloses this odd opinion to Schmidt in the first episode of season 2.

Years later, it’s revealed that not only is he a fan of music, but he’s actually an excellent musician, even playing on a Santana album. Also, on one occasion, he has a great time singing “Africa” with Jess. Robbie may be screwing with Schmidt in the original conversation or downplaying his talents so as not to make Schmidt jealous. But more likely, it’s a simple character inconsistency.

The Landline

Screenshot New Girl Landline Nick Coach Jess Schmidt Winston

At one point in season 4, everyone in the loft struggles with their cell reception. To remedy the situation, they buy a landline. The whole group is mystified by the old piece of technology — Schmidt even refers to the cable as a rope. But the gang shouldn’t be that confused by a landline for multiple reasons.

Firstly, they’re all in their thirties, therefore they likely grew up with a phone just like it in their home. Secondly, they have a landline in their loft in season 2, as shown when Jess and Winston pretend that the loft has been robbed.

How Jess And Cece Fight

Screenshot New Girl Jess Day Cece Handbag

In season 4, Jess tells Schmidt and Coach that she and Cece are two passive-aggressive people who never confront each other. A flashback then shows one of their :worst” fights, which consists of the two simply staring at one another.

Yet, the two best friends get into far worse and non-passive aggressive conflicts in earlier episodes. For instance, when Jess shouts at Cece for having a secret relationship with Schmidt, and the time they get into an argument about Cece’s job. The latter even involves physical violence as they hit each other in the chest. Thus, their friendship isn’t always polite.

Robby’s Disappearing Scar

Robby smiling at someone in New Girl

A memorable moment in Jess’ romantic arc with Robby comes when she tries to kiss him while he’s lifting weights, which leads to the barbell falling on them both — not one of the show’s best romantic gestures.

The incident leaves Robby with a nasty scar above his lip that stays visible in the following episodes. But alas, something bizarre happens in season 6’s “Es Good.” Robby’s scar remains on display for almost the entire episode until the final scene between him and Jess, where it’s suddenly nowhere to be seen.

Jess’ Volleyball Skills

Coach and Jess Day playing volleyball

After getting exposed for secretly dating both Elizabeth and Cece at the same time, Schmidt blames Nick and Jess and promises to break them up. In an attempt to avoid Schmidt getting between them, the couple reveals their odd secrets to each other — one of which is that Jess is “weirdly good at volleyball.”

However, later in that same season, Coach tries to get her to spike a ball and she fails miserably. It could be seen as Jess overestimating her own abilities, but she even admits while trying to hit the ball that she’s never been good at “athlete’s ball,” as she calls it.

Coach’s Knowledge Of Women

coach and jess new girl

Coach uses Jess to practice talking to women in an often-forgotten scene from the pilot. It goes badly as he ends up screaming at his new roommate.

A few years later, however, he’s suddenly an expert on women. He even tries to impart his wisdom onto Schmidt during Jess and Cece’s passive-aggressive conflict. Coach claims that his understanding of women comes from the fact that he grew up with sisters. But if he’s a life-long expert, how come he can’t even hold a simple conversation with a woman in the first episode?

Nick Living With Caroline

Caroline smiling at a wedding in New Girl

Much of Nick’s relationship with Caroline happened before the events of the show, although viewers do occasionally get some insight into their past. One such instance happens early in the series as Nick mentions how they used to live together during the group’s discussion on whether Jess should move in.

The actual timeframe when they were roommates is questionable, though. In season 2, Schmidt and Nick celebrate living together for ten years, dating back to their time in college. So when did Nick live with Caroline? There’s never any mention of her living in the loft with the others, nor could it have happened before Nick’s time at college as the couple broke up six months before the pilot and were only together for four years.