10 Classic Games That Deserve The FF7 Rebirth Treatment

10 Classic Games That Deserve The FF7 Rebirth Treatment

With the success of Final Fantasy 7 Rebirth eyes are naturally turning to other classic and beloved games that would benefit from a remake or remaster. There are many games whose true potential was limited by the technology they were made with. As technology has improved, and continues to do so, it presents a wonderful opportunity to re-imagine some of the best games of years gone by and bring them to a whole new audience.

Re-releases and remakes have always been a core part of the gaming industry, using the nostalgia for classic games to draw in both old and new players. When done well, they can stand alone without relying on the original, with Final Fantasy 7 Rebirth offering the perfect example. So which other classic games would benefit from a careful and creative remake that stays true to their original legacy?

10 Classic Games That Deserve The FF7 Rebirth Treatment


FF7 Rebirth Review: “A Beautiful Showcase Of A Timeless Story”

FF7 Rebirth is an exceptional return to the world of Gaia that leans heavily into its star-studded memorable cast and a classic-but-reimagined story,

Final Fantasy 6 – Released 1994

RPG, Adventure By Square Enix

The obvious place to start would be with another treasured Final Fantasy game and the clear winner from the many installments would have to be Final Fantasy 6. With characters that remain fan favorites, such as Celes Chere and Terra Branford, and perhaps the most unhinged villain in Kefka, FF6 is at the top of a lot of lists when it comes to Final Fantasy. FF6 marked the end of an era as the last 2D game in the franchise, so giving FF6 new modern graphics would be universally well received but unlikely due to FF6‘s massive cast of characters.

Baldur’s Gate 1 & 2 – Released 1998 & 2000

RPG, Adventure, Strategy By BioWare

Character select screen in Baldur's Gate (1998)

Given the runaway success of Baldur’s Gate 3, remaking the first two installments would make a lot of sense. With a complex world that reacts to player decisions, the Baldur’s Gate games set the standard for RPGs for years to come. Letting new fans get to know Minsc and Jaheira in a whole new way would take advantage of the franchise’s new players and give them a whole new perspective on the events in BG3. As well as new graphics, the BG games would benefit greatly from updated UIs and controls, as the older versions can be a little clunky.

Bully – Released 2006

Action-Adventure By Rockstar Games

If there is one game that is bound to polarize options when discussing remakes, it’s Rockstar’s 2006 hit Bully. While some would love to see Bully‘s graphics and controls get a much-needed update, others believe it should remain a cult classic time capsule. But honestly, Bully‘s sense of humor and particular brand of oddness deserves to be shared with a whole new audience.

Bully's Jimmy Hopkins faces off against GTA 5's Trevor Philips in front of the Rockstar logo.


GTA 6 Will Never Make Up For Bully 2’s Cancelation

Rockstar’s putting its resources into the long-awaited GTA 6’s development, but this comes at the cost of sequels for its other IPs, such as Bully.

The Legend Of Zelda: Ocarina Of Time – Released 1998

Action-Adventure, Puzzle by Nintendo

Link walking around Hyrule in The Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time. 

Few games manage to find the perfect balance between graphics, controls and gameplay, but The Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time was near perfect when it was first released. Ocarina of Time has aged remarkably well but was limited by the technology available at the time. For a remake, very little would need to change beyond a face lift and perhaps tweaking the combat to be similar to Breath of the Wild.

An image of link facing Ganon with an overlaid image of Phantom Ganon and Twinrova from Ocarina of Time.


Every Zelda: Ocarina Of Time Boss, Ranked

The Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time contains various unique and creepy boss battles. Here are all nine main bosses, ranked from worst to best.

Jade Empire – Released 2005

RPG, Action-Adventure By BioWare

Jade Empire

Not many people remember BioWare’s Jade Empire, which is unsurprising as the game massively under-performed commercially. This is a shame, as Jade Empire had a lot to offer but was limited by clunky combat and graphics that, even at release, looked outdated. However, the characters, story and world inspired by Chinese history and mythology were wonderfully unique, along with a nuanced morality system.

Dragon Age: Origins – Released 2009

RPG, Adventure By BioWare

Another BioWare title that would benefit from a remake would be Dragon Age: Origins, the first installment of the popular Dragon Age series. Launching a new IP is never easy, but DA:O managed to create a living, breathing world filled with compelling characters and rich lore. A remake wouldn’t need to touch the majority of the story or beloved companions, although certain quests could do with a different approach, such as the infamous Mage Circle fade. The graphics, controls and combat mechanics would all need an overhaul, as would NPC AI, which is very frustrating in the original.

Fallout 1 & 2 – Released 1997 & 1998

RPG, Adventure By Interplay & Black Isle Studios

Fallout 1997

The Fallout universe is a fantastically rich world that was all set in motion by Fallout 1 and 2 before becoming part of Bethesda’s roster. While it is incredibly unlikely to happen, a remake of the original Fallout games would be a great thing to see. Their isometric gameplay wouldn’t necessarily translate well into Fallout 3 and 4‘s FPS style, but an approach similar to the Divinity Original Sin games would work well. Even just updating the graphics and some under-the-hood changes to make them play better on modern computers would be enough for many.

The Elder Scrolls 3: Morrowind – Released 2002

RPG, Action-Adventure By Bethesda

Morrowind was ridiculously ambitious for its time, so much so that even today its storyline is hailed as the best of all the Elder Scrolls games. A remake could build upon what is already there, with its leveling and magic system, but then add quality of life improvements such as voice acting, fast travel and better NPC AI. However, it is doubtful Bethesda would ever remake or remaster Morrowind and the closest fans will get is the fan-made Skywind mod which aims to recreate the classic game using Skyrim’s engine.

Star Wars: Knights Of The Old Republic – Released 2003

RPG By BioWare

Darth Revan from the KOTOR games with the Battle of Bothawui behind him

Custom Image by Glenn Bunn

There are few games that get brought up in the discussion about remakes more than Knights of the Old Republic. KOTOR took everything BioWare had learned from Baldur’s Gate and made it even better. Being set almost 4,000 years before the main Star Wars trilogy allowed an entire new story to be told, filled with memorable characters and amazing lore that enhanced the Star Wars universe. In recent years, a remake seemed on the cards, but with few updates, many fear that the KOTOR remake might be dead.

Chrono Trigger – Released 1995

RPG By Square Enix

Chrono Trigger Kingdom of Zeal

Chrono Trigger is often called the greatest RPG of all time, and it’s not hard to see why. Boasting multiple endings, excellent characters and development and a gorgeously emotional story, Chrono Trigger was ahead of its time. All this would mean any remake in the vein of Final Fantsy 7 Rebirth would have massive shoes to fill to bring this beloved classic to a modern audience. While it wouldn’t be impossible, Square Enix would have an uphill battle to stay true to what made Chrono Trigger so loved in the first place and capture that magic a second time.

Final Fantasy 7 Rebirth New Poster-2

Final Fantasy 7 Rebirth

Final Fantasy 7 Rebirth is the sequel to Final Fantasy 7 Remake and will see Cloud and his friends set off beyond the walls of Midgar to explore the world, stop Sephiroth’s machinations, and see the world outside their slum prison. Now that the whispers of fate no longer guide the characters along the pre-destined path set in the original PlayStation classic Final Fantasy 7, the heroes (and villains) will shape the future. The game will still visit prominent locales and revisit crucial story points, but it will be a more significant departure from the first game from the source material.


Final Fantasy 7


PlayStation 5


February 29, 2024


Square Enix Business Division 1


Square Enix


Action RPG
, Adventure


Unreal Engine 4