10 Biggest Questions For All Mankind Season 5 Needs To Answer

10 Biggest Questions For All Mankind Season 5 Needs To Answer

WARNING: Contains SPOILERS for For All Mankind‘s season 4 finale!

For All Mankind season 4 brought the story of the Goldilocks asteroid and Happy Valley to a thrilling conclusion, but it throws up some big questions for season 5 to answer. For All Mankind‘s season 4 finale had some big dramatic moments, from the near-fatal shooting of Danielle Poole (Krys Marshall) to the arrest of Margo Madison (Wrenn Schmidt). As the final scene jumped ahead nine years, it’s likely that the aftermath of those events won’t be explored in huge detail. However, they could still leave a lasting impact on NASA and the M-7 nations future on Mars.

The nine-year time jump in For All Mankind‘s season 4 finale revealed that Ed Baldwin (Joel Kinnaman) and Dev Ayesa (Edi Gathegi) succeeded in securing the Goldilocks asteroid and helped to establish Mars as a thriving mining colony. For All Mankind season 5 will likely explore the new dynamics inside Kuznetsov Station, and reveal whether Ed’s dream of a new home on Mars was realized. However, the huge mining station established on the surface of Goldilocks in 2012 opens up some big questions about NASA, and whether the lessons of the Happy Valley riot were learned.

10 Biggest Questions For All Mankind Season 5 Needs To Answer


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10 Who’s Running Kuznetsov Station On The Goldilocks Asteroid?

Is it still an international effort between the M-7 nations?


For All Mankind‘s season 4 finale revealed the thriving mining station that has been established on the Goldilocks asteroid. It will be interesting to find out who’s staffing Kuznetsov Station, and whether the lessons of Happy Valley have been learned. The tensions between the M-7 astronauts and the Helios workers in For All Mankind season 4 led to a violent clash in the finale. The poor treatment of Helios workers on Mars made the news back on Earth, so working conditions on the Red Planet must have been subject to a radical rethink. A huge operation like Kuznetsov Station will require a substantial labor force, who are hopefully being appropriately rewarded for their hard work.

9 Will Ed, Margo, and Dani Appear In For All Mankind Season 5?

For All Mankind season 5 takes place 43 years after season 1.

For All Mankind season 5 takes place 43 years after season 1’s timeline began in 1969. That means Ed, Margo, and Dani will all be well into old age by the time FAM season 5 begins. Ed Baldwin’s health was already failing in For All Mankind season 4, so it seems unlikely he’ll play a substantial role on Mars almost a decade later. It’s hoped that the three longest-serving For All Mankind regulars won’t be written out in season 5’s opening time jump. If Ed, Margo, and Dani are written out, it’s hoped that they will each get their happy ending, be it off-camera or in future episodes of For All Mankind.

8 What’s Happening With Kelly Baldwin’s Search for Life on Mars?

For All Mankind’s season 4 finale didn’t update Kelly’s storyline.

Kelly in a space suit on the Mars surface

Although Kelly Baldwin (Cynthy Wu) made a brief appearance to support her father at Dani’s bedside, there were no further updates on her search for life on Mars. The initial findings were promising, suggesting that the search for alien life, no matter how microscopic, could play a big role in season 5. For All Mankind is a grounded sci-fi show, so it’s unlikely that Kelly will find genuine little green men on Mars. However, answering whether life can exist on other planets, no matter how small, could fundamentally change the game in For All Mankind season 5.

7 Did Samantha Massey Become An Astronaut?

Or did the Goldilocks heist harm her chances?

Samantha Massey (Tyner Rushing) got a chance to realize her ambitions to be an astronaut and underwent a baptism of fire. During For All Mankind‘s season 4 finale, she found herself clinging for life during a fight with Palmer James (Myk Watford). Massey managed to fight back up to stop Palmer from resetting the override switch and pulled off an incredibly risky move that ultimately saved Palmer’s life. Despite the controversy about Massey’s part in the Goldilocks heist, she’s proven herself to be a capable and quick-thinking astronaut. If she can ride the storm in the immediate aftermath of Goldilocks, she can finally live out her dreams of becoming an astronaut in For All Mankind season 5.

6 Who’s The New NASA Director?

Eli Hobson couldn’t survive the Happy Valley scandal.

The tenure of NASA director Eli Hobson (Daniel Stern) in For All Mankind season 4 was disastrous. Hobson failed to bring the Goldilocks asteroid to Earth, failed to resolve a labor dispute that caused a man’s death, and condoned the torture of Miles Dale (Toby Kebbell) and Gerardo (Salvador Chacon). Given that Miles or Gerardo went to the press about their treatment, it’s unlikely that Hobson could weather the storm. Who replaces Eli Hobson as NASA director in 2012 will be one of the big questions that For All Mankind season 5 will answer.

One likely candidate is Coral Peña’s Aleida Rosales, whose role with Helios in For All Mankind season 4 has given her valuable experience in the politics of the space race. Aleida has also been able to reconcile her post-traumatic stress disorder, and her anger towards Margo. Having put the horrific Johnson Space Center bombing behind her, Aleida could return to NASA to assume the highest position. Another potential candidate is Will Tyler (Robert Bailey Jr.) who has been working his way up the NASA ladder since returning from Mars.


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5 Is Goldilocks Improving Life on Earth?

Or is it creating another Helium-3 situation?


The Goldilocks asteroid was supposed to improve life on Earth, providing jobs and trillions of dollars worth of valuable iridium. Now that the asteroid is in orbit around Mars, there’s a much longer time frame for Earth to start reaping the rewards of Goldilocks. For All Mankind season 3 portrayed how the Helium-3 refineries on the Moon disenfranchised thousands of Americans who were left unemployed. For All Mankind season 4 showed that unemployment was still a major issue back on Earth, forcing people to seek work on the Moon or Mars. FAM season 5 should explore the ramifications of the Goldilocks heist by revealing how it’s impacted life on Earth, perhaps through the eyes of Miles and his family.

4 Has Mars Become A Safe Haven For North Koreans?

Lee’s wife wasn’t the only defector to arrive at Happy Valley.

Lee hugs his wife and looks surprised by something off-camera

North Korean cosmonaut Lee Jung-Gil (C.S. Lee) was finally reunited with his wife in For All Mankind‘s season 4 finale. However, Moon Yeong (Chen Chen Julian) was joined by many more North Koreans who had defected to Mars. Whether this part of an agreement made at the emergency summit following the Goldilocks heist or a covert network funded by Helios isn’t made clear in the season 4 finale. Ed’s dream of Mars was very much about moving beyond nationalist boundaries, so Happy Valley may now be a home to people from a variety of cultural backgrounds who are fleeing persecution.

3 Are More Families Making The Move To Mars In 2012?

Did Ed Baldwin’s dream come true?

Ed Baldwin was joined on Mars by his family in For All Mankind season 4. The importance of family was key to Ed’s stirring speech to Dani about his hopes for Mars, something only furthered by the arrival of Lee’s wife, Moon Yeong. With the Goldilocks asteroid still in orbit around Mars in 2012, Happy Valley may become a frontier town, with asteroid miners moving to the Red Planet with their families. Ed’s dream was to build a lasting community on Mars, and now that Kelly and Alex have proved that a family can live on the Red Planet, more families may follow.

2 What’s Next For Dev Ayesa In For All Mankind?

Dev will never return to Earth.

Dev sat in a spaceship with a golden asteroid behind him

Helios founder Dev Ayesa had no plans to return to Earth in For All Mankind season 4. Therefore, he’ll still be living on Mars in season 5, but it’s unclear what his next move is. Dev is funding Kelly’s search for alien life, and will also be playing an integral role in the mining of Goldilocks. However, the ambitious billionaire will surely have his sights set on the next frontier, but it’s unclear where that is. President Ellen Wilson (Jodi Balfour) had dreams of reaching Jupiter, so perhaps that goal is next on Dev’s list in For All Mankind season 5.

1 What Happened To Margo After Her Trial?

Was Moscow Margo’s punishment harsh or fair?

Wrenn Schmidt as Margo Madison in For All Mankind

Margo Madison sacrificed her freedom to secure the future of the Mars program and save her protégé Aleida Rosales from criminal prosecution. In the closing moments of For All Mankind season 4, the audio of Margo’s testimony to a judge can be heard. However, For All Mankind‘s season 4 finale never confirmed what Margo’s punishment was for sabotaging the Goldilocks capture mission, and handing secrets to the Soviet government. Given the public feeling toward “Moscow Margo“, the defecting NASA director could be made an example of, sentenced to spend the rest of her life in prison. Margo promised Aleida that everything would be okay, so For All Mankind season 5 must confirm Margo’s eventual fate.