10 Biggest Consequences of Star Trek’s God War (That Will Influence Future Canon)

10 Biggest Consequences of Star Trek’s God War (That Will Influence Future Canon)

Warning: contains spoilers for recent issues of Star Trek and Star Trek: DefiantThe Star Trek franchise was recently rocked by the god war, which saw the Emperor Kahless rise up against the universe’s god-like beings. Beginning in last year’s Star Trek #400, and running up through this summer’s Day of Blood crossover event, the god war shook the galaxy, with some serious consequences for canon moving forward. Here are the top 10 ramifications from Star Trek’s god war.

10 The Crystalline Entities Are Now Extinct

10 Biggest Consequences of Star Trek’s God War (That Will Influence Future Canon)

The Crystalline Entities are now extinct as a result of Star Trek’s god war. Resembling gigantic snowflakes, the Crystalline Entities have been responsible for untold carnage and destruction. Yet all their power was unable to help them survive Kahless’ onslaught early in the god war. Captain Sisko and the crew of the Theseus watched helplessly as the Klingon slaughtered every one of the Entities in an awesome display of power.

9 The Romulans Are Up To… Something

Star Trek Sela Korath Romulan Plan

The Romulans played a role in Star Trek’s god war, particularly Commander Sela, the half-Romulan daughter of Tasha Yar. Reluctantly throwing in with Worf’s rebel crew on the Defiant, Sela nevertheless helped defeat Kahless. As the dust settled, Sela came to the Klingon scientist Korath, using a toxin to make him susceptible to suggestion. Sela told Korath something before leaving the ship. Whatever Sela told Korath will play out in future issues, but it is clearly not good.

8 Doctor Crusher Embarked on a New Direction

Doctor Crusher God War

For six seasons of Star Trek: The Next Generation, Doctor Crusher served as the Enterprise’s Chief Medical Officer, but never showed interest beyond Sickbay. All of that changed with Star Trek’s god war, which saw Crusher experiment with command, and was promoted to First Officer of the Theseus. It was a bold step forward for Doctor Crusher, and one that sets the stage for her on-screen return in Star Trek: Picard.

7 Lore is Heading for Godhood

Star Trek Lore Day of Blood Godhood

Worf and Spock recruited Lore to help fight in the god war, but it turned out to be an ill-advised move. Lore assisted Worf and the crew of the Defiant as much as he wanted to before turning on them and fleeing. At the end of Day of Blood, Lore appeared to disillusioned Red Path members, telling them to follow him, as he was on his way to becoming a god. Upcoming solicitations for Defiant make no mention of him, meaning fans will have to wait to see Lore’s brush with divinity.

6 The Return of Ro Laren

Ro Laren still from Star Trek TNG

Introduced in Star Trek: The Next Generation’s fifth season, Ro Laren was a much harder edged officer than Picard and company, and her arrival shook up the formula. Sadly, Ro Laren betrayed Starfleet and was sent to prison before the Dominion War. However, with the god war raging, Ro returned, and has become a fixture of the Defiant’s crew. As seen in season three of Star Trek: Picard, Ro was working for Starfleet Intelligence in the early 25th century, and her return began during the god war.

5 Worf: Bounty Hunter

Star Trek Worf Discharge

Captain Sisko recruited Worf early in the god war, but the two had a falling out, leading Worf to leave the Theseus. Instead, he stole the Defiant and assembled a rebel crew to handle the god war’s darker aspects. After the god war ended, Starfleet decided to punish Worf by disavowing him and his crew, sending them after some of the galaxy’s worst. Worf is tasked with bringing them back, effectively making him a bounty hunter.

4 Worf and Alexander’s Relationship is Forever Changed

Worf Alexander Day of Blood 2

Worf and his son Alexander never enjoyed a good elationship even in the best of times. When the god war broke out, Worf was horrified to learn his son had joined Kahless and his Red Path cult, which led him to break away from Sisko. In Day of Blood’s climax, father and son fought. Just as Worf was getting through to his son, Kahless seemingly killed Alexander, only for him to be brought back to life by the Orb of Creation. Alexander’s journey is just beginning, as he will star alongside Jake Sisko in the upcoming Sons of Star Trek.

3 Kahless is Still Out There

star trek klingon kahless

Kahless, the antagonist for the god war, managed to survive, and almost certainly will return. At the end of Day of Blood, he fled the Klingon homeworld, taking the god-killer array with him. This weapon, created by the Shapers of Sardakesh, was powerful enough to strike down Gary Mitchell and the Crystalline Entities. Complicating matters is Kahless no longer has the Red Path at his disposal, meaning he will have to rebuild his army. As Kahless retreated, a huge no-no in Klingon culture, this may prove difficult.

2 Starfleet Has a Weapon On Par with the Genesis Device

Star Trek Genesis Device Orb of Creation

The Genesis Device was one of the most controversial developments in the Star Trek mythos. Able to rapidly terraform a planet, the Genesis Device also had potential as a weapon. Starfleet seemingly abandoned their research into this area thanks to the device’s instability. Now, thanks to the god war, Starfleet has the Bajoran Orb of Creation, which can do everything the Genesis Device was capable of, but with none of its shortcomings. As seen in Picard season three, Starfleet never quit research into the Genesis Device, and the Orb of Creation could have factored into this.

1 The Birth of a New Cardassian Culture

Star Trek Cardassian Massacre

Of all the species that fought in the Dominion War, the Cardassians were the heaviest hit, and the god war showed what happened next. The nephew of Damar, who instigated the Cardassian uprising that turned the tide of the Dominion War, sought to build a new Cardassia, one free from its violent and oppressive past. He did this in the most Cardassian fashion possible, bringing together everyone who stood in his way and killing them. It was a stark reminder that while the Cardassians are seeking a new beginning, they still have a ways to go.

Star Trek’sgod war shook the universe, and nearly brought about its end. Its ramifications will be felt for years to come.