10 Best Wolverine Team-Ups You Never Knew About

10 Best Wolverine Team-Ups You Never Knew About

With the news that Hugh Jackman is reprising his role as Wolverine in Deadpool 3, fans of the clawed Canadian can look forward to one of his biggest team-ups on the big screen. Though his prickly personality makes him ill-suited for teamwork, Wolverine has found himself in some amazing pairings over the years.

From team-ups with bitter rivals like Sabretooth to one-off tag teams with the likes of Conan the Barbarian, Wolverine’s best partnerships aren’t his most well-remembered. The lone wolf has been in plenty of forgotten team-ups in the past, but only the very best are worth remembering.

Captain America

10 Best Wolverine Team-Ups You Never Knew About

If ever there were two disparate Marvel Comics heroes, it would certainly be the straight-laced Captain America and the gruff Wolverine. Despite this sea of personality differences between them, the pair have teamed up on several occasions, and sometimes in unlikely places.

Naturally, Cap and Wolverine have crossed paths during big crossover events, but their best pairing came in the past. Most readers remember Cap’s time as an American super-soldier during WWII, but Logan once revealed that he teamed up with the star-spangled hero on the front lines. A sense of common duty brought them together, and they made for a surprisingly effective duo.


Wolverine and Cyclops in an attacking pose

As members of the X-Men, Wolverine and Cyclops worked together all the time, but there was no love lost between them. Wolverine always chafed against Cyclops’ authority, and things got even more heated when a love triangle with Jean Grey began to form.

However, the pair was able to patch things up enough during the “Last X-Men” storyline to continue the team’s lineage. They make such a compelling team because they are two of the best X-Men characters and their powers perfectly complement one another. Roiling in a cauldron of distrust, the duo shows that they are a powerful pairing because of their differences and not in spite of them.


Mystique tries to seduce Wolverine in the comics.

Villains become heroes in Marvel Comics all the time, but characters like Mystique manage to walk a fine line between the two. As a member of the Brotherhood of Evil Mutants, Raven Darkhölme was never too friendly with the X-Men, but her lengthy past meant she had a complicated relationship with Wolverine.

First meeting in the 1920s, the pair actually worked together as petty criminals before eventually splitting over philosophical differences during WWII. Mystique has jumped from one side of the line to the other, and each time she works with Wolverine, they always make a great pair. The writers thought so too, and in an alternate timeline, they were actually lovers.

Conan The Barbarian

Wolverine blocks an attack from Conan

Though Marvel sadly lost the rights to the character in mid-2022, Conan the Barbarian was thoroughly integrated into the comic universe before his departure. On top of his standalone book, the Cimmerian with a bad attitude became part of a brand-new Avengers team and became allies with Wolverine.

The Savage Avengers were formed when Conan was transported to the Savage Land where he met up with Logan in a fight against the Hand. Though they added additional members, the heart of the team was Conan and Wolverine, and their mutual ruthless aggression made them an untamed force to be reckoned with.


Wolverine and Sabretooth toast each other from Marvel Comics

The best Sabretooth comics have shown Victor Creed to be a merciless killer and Wolverine’s most notorious arch-nemesis. Despite this vitriolic hatred between the two, Logan and Creed have formed a tag team on numerous occasions throughout the Marvel Comics timeline.

Though they’ve never set aside their irreconcilable differences, both have sprung into action to save the other in the past. One of their strangest pairings was when Wolverine found himself trapped in hell, and the man he sent to the netherworld came to his aid. With their mutant healing factors and animalistic abilities, they make an excellent team of fighters, but their personality differences mean that a permanent team-up could never logically happen.

Ben Grimm

Logan and Ben Grimm stand back to back from Marvel Comics

Lifelong Fantastic Four member Ben Grimm is better known as The Thing, but he had an interesting life well before he put on the blue trunks and joined the superhero squad. As an experimental test pilot, Grimm stared down death and didn’t flinch, and he even went on a comic book adventure with an unlikely partner.

Happening during the Before The Fantastic Four series, a non-powered Grimm teamed up with Wolverine to go behind enemy lines in Russia. As expected, Wolverine’s gruff personality clashed with Grimm’s arrogant machismo, but the partnership was nevertheless a clobbering success. Showing just how tough he was, Ben Grimm got into several tussles with his mutant partner and sometimes got the best of him.

The Hulk

Logan stands among the New Fantastic Four from Marvel Comics

Wolverine is known as one of the best characters to debut in The Hulk comics, but he and the mean green machine have never really seen eye to eye. Fighting from the word go, Logan has never missed an opportunity to get a few licks in on Hulk whenever they cross paths.

Despite this animosity, the pair worked together as members of The New Fantastic Four, and Logan got along much better with Hulk’s Joe Fixit persona. Trading in his trademark green for his original gray, the reserved Joe Fixit showed himself to be the perfect partner for Wolverine. No longer powered by his rage, it was much easier for Joe Fixit Hulk to get along with the equally angry Logan.

Ghost Rider

Ghost Rider and Wolverine stare each other down from Marvel Comics

Johnny Blaze has found himself in a surprising amount of team-ups for a character that is essentially the spawn of hell, and he usually proves to be a crucial ally against the forces of evil. His horrific nature often relegates him to teammates like Man-Thing and Morbius, but Ghost Rider has worked with more traditional heroes as well.

During the current run of Ghost Rider, Johnny Blaze called upon Wolverine for help, and the Canadian mauler answered the call. Essentially excising the evil from Blaze’s soul with his powerful adamantium claws, Wolverine was not only a tag team partner for Ghost Rider but a sort of exorcist as well. Though their pairing was brief, there is no telling where Logan might return to help his anti-hero ally.


Wolverine carries Deadpool in Marvel Comics

The Merc with a Mouth has made an enemy of almost everyone in the Marvel Comics universe, and it was pretty easy for him to get under Wolverine’s skin. Initially clashing when they showed up for the same mercenary gig, the pair of anti-heroes have also worked together, if not begrudgingly.

Deadpool’s obsession with Wolverine has drawn Logan’s ire, but they make an effective combo when they fight together. For all of his silliness, ‘Pool is a dangerous assassin, and with a rage-fueled Wolverine by his side, there is almost no one that can stop them.


Wolverine and Doop stand side by side in Marvel Comics

The X-Men universe has produced some truly strange characters, but few are as utterly unique as the green glob known as Doop. The mysterious alien being possesses all sorts of strange powers, but his interest in sleuthing is what brought him together with Wolverine.

The funk-powered being teamed up with Logan to investigate the theft of a pink boa that was a conduit for powerful magic, and they were a match made in gumshoe heaven. Doop even tried his hand at assuming a Wolverine-like form, and Logan was naturally not very pleased with his temporary partner’s antics.