10 Best Video Game Sibling Duos

10 Best Video Game Sibling Duos

Anyone who grew up with at least one sibling knows that there is a certain dichotomy to this particular bond. While siblings are likely to argue about silly things and make fun of each other’s embarrassing moments, they are also likely to always stick together and fight anyone that tries to harm the other.

Even in video games, there are plenty of great sibling duos that would be willing to face any danger together. This strong connection leads to these siblings being some of the most iconic characters in their games.

Alex and Jonas (Oxenfree)

10 Best Video Game Sibling Duos

Although the 2016 horror game Oxenfree is filled with trapped ghosts, time loops, and alternate dimensions, it’s still an adventure game, which means it’s mostly focused on the narrative and characters like other great adventure games. Because of this, the most important aspect of Oxenfree is Alex’s relationship with the other characters. Depending on the player’s actions and dialogue choices, they will receive one of several endings.

Out of all the connections Alex can develop, the most significant one is with her new step-brother, Jonas. With these two characters being the face of the game and spending arguably the most time together during the story, it’s obvious that their possible sibling bond is a central part of the game. Even if the player rescues Alex’s brother Michael, Jonas can remain Alex’s “other-brother,” which shows the possible strength of their future bond if the player makes the right choices.

Evie and Jacob Frye (Assassin’s Creed Syndicate)

Assassin's Creed Syndicate Jacob Evie Frye

Unlike previous installments in this stealth action-adventure franchise, Assassin’s Creed Syndicate has the player switch between two main protagonists: the twins Evie and Jacob Frye. Despite being twins, these two assassins are extremely different from each other. Evie is a pure tactician who assesses everything carefully before making a move, but this also makes her hesitant. Meanwhile, Jacob is focused on brawn over brains, which makes him quicker but also more impulsive.

Since these two are opposites, they bicker a lot about the proper way to do things. But, this also means that they work well together because they balance each other, and they can split up the necessary work.

Hawke and Their Surviving Sibling (Dragon Age II)

The Hawke family at the start of Dragon Age 2

Depending on Hawke’s class in the Western action RPG Dragon Age II, one of their younger siblings will die during the prologue. If Hawke is a mage, then their younger sister Bethany, who is also a mage, will die. On the other hand, if Hawke is a warrior or rogue, then their younger brother Carver, who is a warrior, will die.

Regardless of who dies, Hawke is deeply affected by the death and works hard to protect their surviving sibling. While different choices can lead to Bethany or Carver having different fates, they will always show their close bond with Hawke toward the end of the game if they manage to survive by usually choosing Hawke over anything else in the final conflict.

Lucas and Claus (Mother 3)

Lucas and Claus sitting at the dinner table at the start of Mother 3

Even with everything that happens in the Game Boy Advance JRPG Mother 3, Lucas and Claus remain a central part of the entire narrative. Unlike previous games in the series, the main protagonist’s name, Lucas, is not a reference to a Nintendo property. Instead, it’s an anagram of Claus, which is used to symbolize how important the two characters are to each other.

Along with their matching outfits, the names symbolize how the two characters mirror each other. While Claus is headstrong and energetic, Lucas is timid and reserved. During the game, Lucas unknowingly keeps facing his brother while trying to pull all the Needles, which inadvertently helps Lucas grow stronger. After he realizes that Claus is the Masked Man, he helps Claus regain his former self at the end of the game.

Dante and Vergil (Devil May Cry)

In Devil May Cry 5, the red-clad Dante clashes swords with the blue-clad Vergil.

Out of all the siblings on this list, Dante and Vergil from the Devil May Cry series are the most volatile pair. After their human mother, Eva, died, Dante and Vergil decided to follow completely different paths and thus developed opposite personalities and goals. While Dante chose to embrace his human side and protect humans from demons, Vergil chose to embrace his demon side and focus on gaining more demonic power.

Anytime the two characters are in the same scene, Dante’s playful and sociable attitude contrasts with Vergil’s calculative and stoic nature, and their conflicting beliefs typically cause the two to clash. But they are both fearless individuals that believe in fighting fair, and they can easily work together when it’s necessary.

Maya and Mia Fey (Ace Attorney)

Mia's spirit watches over Phoenix and Maya in Ace Attorney

Before the events of the visual novel Phoenix Wright: Ace Attorney, Mia Fey had become a defense attorney after she left Kurain Village, which is where she grew up. While she left the village in order to figure out what happened to her mother, she also left so that she wouldn’t have to fight her younger sister, Maya, for the title of Master of Kurain.

Despite their separation, the two sisters remained extremely close. They called each other all the time, and Mia trusted Maya with keeping sensitive evidence for cases safe. Even after Mia’s death, Mia continues to watch over and help Maya, and Maya never forgets her beloved sister.

Apollo Justice and Trucy Wright (Ace Attorney)

Apollo Justice and Trucy Wright in the game Phoenix Wright: Ace Attorney - Spirit of Justice

Although Apollo Justice and Trucy Wright from the Ace Attorney series are half-siblings, they both have no idea that they share the same mother or that they are even related. The two characters didn’t even meet until Trucy was already a 15-year-old and Apollo was already a 22-year-old. Despite this, Apollo and Trucy quickly develop a sibling bond anyway shortly after they start working together in Apollo Justice: Ace Attorney.

Both characters always support each other, which is shown by the fact that Trucy is always willing to help Apollo with cases and Apollo allows Trucy to use him for magic acts. Even without knowing their true connection, Apollo and Trucy have compared their bond to siblings.

Beat and Rhyme Bito (The World Ends With You)

Beat and Rhyme in the opening of The World Ends With You

With its sequel Neo: The World Ends With You being one of the best RPGs released in 2021, it’s no surprise that The World Ends With You series has one of the best pair of siblings in any video game. Before the events of the first game, one of the main characters, Beat, leaves home after a fight with his parents. His sibling, Rhyme, leaves with him to try to convince him to return. But, an out of control car swerves toward Rhyme and Beat tries to save Rhyme, which leads to them both being killed.

Since players have to give up their most important thing in order to enter the Reaper’s game in Shibuya, Beat has to give up his connection to Rhyme, but the two characters still work together despite the loss. When Rhyme gets erased, Beat becomes a reaper in order to resurrect her. Now, after the events of both games, Beat is shown to still be super protective of Rhyme, and they both love and care about each other.

Chris and Claire Redfield (Resident Evil)

Chris and Claire after they reunite in Resident Evil Code Veronica

No matter how hectic things become in the Resident Evil universe, the one constant of the series is that Chris and Claire are always worrying and looking for each other. Claire wouldn’t even have become one of the main characters of the franchise if she didn’t worry about her brother and try looking for him in Resident Evil 2.

Since they are both the last surviving members of their family, they care deeply about each other and constantly worry about their safety within their zombie-filled world. But, they also trust that they are both capable individuals who can stand on their own.

Mario and Luigi (Mario)

Mario and Luigi celebrating

It’s impossible to talk about video game siblings without talking about the most iconic pair: the Mario brothers from the Super Mario Bros. franchise. Mario and Luigi are an inseparable duo who always have each other’s backs. Regardless of the game, they help each other and work together to save the day.

If either of them are in trouble, the other is immediately rushing to their rescue. Because of their strong brotherly bond, it’s impossible to think about one without the other.