10 Best The Emperor’s New Groove Characters, Ranked

10 Best The Emperor’s New Groove Characters, Ranked

The Emperor’s New Groove was released over two decades ago, but its popularity hasn’t waned in the least. The movie provides ample amounts of comedy throughout, and it boasts a cast of unforgettable characters with it. Audiences certainly love Kronk and Yzma, and in the case of this popular film, audiences tend to love the villains more than they do the heroes, which is rare and showcases just how unique the film is.

The film also features underrated characters such as Pacha’s wife and kids, who proved to be helpful and resourceful when it came to keeping the villains busy. Even the minor characters such as Mata, Bucky, and Rudy are memorable and beloved.


10 Best The Emperor’s New Groove Characters, Ranked

Mata appears in The Emperor’s New Groove when Pacha, Kuzco, Yzma, and Kronk all show up at the restaurant she works in at the same time. She’s nonchalant and while good at her job, she gives off the impression that she doesn’t care for it much. She didn’t even seem to notice when Kronk took over for the previous chef when she listed off several orders for him to make, after all.

Still, her demeanor made her funny, and she did ensure that Yzma got a birthday celebration when Pacha requested it.


Chaca frowning slightly in The Emperor's New Groove

Pacha’s daughter is mischievous, funny, and can certainly hold her own against evildoers, namely Yzma.

Chaca is full of energy and tends to argue with her brother, but she clearly loves her family and is shown to be quite skilled, given she helped her mother and brother delay Kronk and Yzma to give Pacha and Kuzco a head start.


Tipo swimming with Kuzco and his sister Chaca in The Emperor's New Groove

Tipo is just as mischievous and competitive as his sister. That certainly comes in handy when he joins in the plan of deterring Yzma and Kronk. He may also be a tad psychic, considering he had a nightmare about Pacha and Kuzco being tied to a log by a vine and it actually came true.

Tipo was funny and adorable, and both he and his sister got to be friends with Kuzco by the end of the film, which is pretty cool.


Chicha holding up her hand in The Emperor's New Groove

Chicha was Pacha’s wife in The Emperor’s New Groove, and she was incredibly hilarious. She was sarcastic, hated bad manners, and took to cleaning to release her frustration.

She really was an underrated character, given she could hold her own against villains, multitask with her kids, utilize priceless sarcasm, and keep her house in order all at once. It would’ve been fun to see more of her in the film, but for the little screen time she did have, she made a memorable impression.


Kuzco getting ready to dance from The Emperor's New Groove

When audiences first meet Kuzco, he’s selfish, stubborn, lacks empathy, and cares only about what he wants. However, being turned into a llama and hanging out with Pacha turn out to be the best thing that ever happened to him, as he gradually changes for the better.

He certainly had his funny and witty moments, but he was even better when he became friends with Pacha and his family, and opted to build his summer home somewhere else.

Bucky The Squirrel

Kronk talking to a squirrel in The Emperor's New Groove

Bucky is usually a friendly squirrel, until someone wrongs him. Things go bad very fast for Kuzco after he’s rude to Bucky, and the squirrel retaliates by blowing up a balloon and popping it to wake up several jaguars. That doesn’t work, but the goal is still accomplished when Kuzco unintentionally wakes them up himself.

Bucky later runs into Yzma and Kronk, and only speaks to Kronk after Yzma yells at him. Kronk speaking with Bucky is one of the movie’s iconic scenes, and one of the funniest.


Rudy looking up in The Emperor's New Groove

Rudy is the sweetest old man; unfortunately, when audiences first meet him, he’s in the wrong place at the wrong time, having unintentionally thrown off the emperor’s groove. He’s tossed out of a window, and later helped out by Pacha.

Luckily, thanks to Kuzco changing for the better, he later apologizes to Rudy for the incident. Rudy held no grudges, and he carried a cheerful and playful attitude. His ability to forgive and be so kind definitely made his character stand out.


Pacha and Soldiers in Emperor's New Groove

Pacha is Kuzco’s complete opposite; he’s caring, he puts others before himself, and he’s easygoing. He believes there’s good in everyone, but that belief is tested when he meets Kuzco and finds himself on a journey to help the emperor get back home.

Pacha was sweet, and despite the challenges Kuzco presented, he kept his promise in getting Kuzco back home, and went above and beyond to help the emperor regain his humanity. A great friendship was born from their adventure and it meant a lot to both men.


Yzma in The Emperors New Groove

Yzma’s fashion sense is up to par, but her capability as a villain is questionable. She comes up with a scheme to get rid of Kuzco in the heat of the moment, and ultimately, it fails, and she ends up as a cat herself. She was hilarious and eccentric, and certainly had a healthy dose of confidence regarding her appearance.

Her frustration over losing her job pushes her over the edge; if Kuzco had been nicer to her about it, audiences wouldn’t have gotten the version of Yzma they’ve come to know and love.


Kronk against the wall in The Emperor's New Groove

The Emperor’s New Groove is rare in the sense that audiences love the villains more than they do the heroes, but with a pair like Yzma and Kronk, what’s not to love?

Kronk is a sweet, adorable guy, and he struggles with his sense of right and wrong, which is personified by the angel and devil upon his shoulders. He’s happy all the time, whether he’s finding another bird for exotic bird bingo, talking to squirrels, or hauling Yzma all over the place as they search for Kuzco. Kronk is lovable and ultimately, not the villain that Yzma is, and he gets his own happy ending teaching a group of kids to talk to squirrels.