10 Best Swordfights In The Pirates Of The Caribbean Movies, Ranked

10 Best Swordfights In The Pirates Of The Caribbean Movies, Ranked

The Pirates of the Caribbean movies are full of riveting sword fights, with some standing out as the best in the series. Pirates of the Caribbean has become a massive franchise since The Curse of the Black Pearl came out in 2003, and a big part of that success is thanks to outstanding fight choreography. These films are loaded with incredible stunts that elevate the fight scenes, lending them an extra level of spectacle that helps create some truly memorable moments.

While there are some harsh realities of rewatching Pirates of the Caribbean, the films remain wildly entertaining on several levels, of which is the litany of epic sword fights contained in the five total films. From the first installment all the way to the fifth movie, the Pirates of the Caribbean maintained their emphasis on the sword-fighting action. Delivering duel after duel, the franchise packed each movie with their fair share of exciting sword battles.

10 Jack Sparrow Fights Salazar

Pirates Of The Caribbean: Dead Men Tell No Tales

10 Best Swordfights In The Pirates Of The Caribbean Movies, Ranked

While Pirates of the Caribbean 5 wasn’t able to end the series perfectly, the film did well to honor the franchise’s reputation for stellar sword fighting. Jack Sparrow’s epic duel with the undead Captain Armando Salazar is an epic confrontation that tosses Sparrow around the set like a rag doll. While it’s probably a little over reliant on stunts, this duel still ends up being highly entertaining. While the exchange of blows is rapid and exciting, the constant movement around the set is somewhat distracting, keeping it from being the very best of the series.

9 Barbossa Fights Blackbeard

Pirates Of The Caribbean: On Stranger Tides

Blackbeard vs. Captain Barbossa in Pirates of the Caribbean: On Stranger Tides pit two pirate legends against each other, creating a truly iconic matchup. Unfortunately, both characters are well past their primes at this point, which makes the fight a little less exciting than it might otherwise have been. Even so, this is a great duel that easily qualifies as a top-notch sword battle.

8 Will And Elizabeth Fight The British While They Get Married

Pirates Of The Caribbean: At World’s End

Will and Elizabeth are married on the boat

Another fantastic sword fight in Pirates of the Caribbean takes place as Will and Elizabeth are getting married on the deck of the Black Pearl. The happy couple holds off British Navy men and the crew of the Flying Dutchman as Captain Barbossa performs the ceremony. This scene is choreographed with great skill, and it has a valuable comedic side that only makes it more entertaining. Will and Elizabeth finally getting married also makes it a satisfying payoff, but the fight sequences aren’t as complex and impressive as some other scenes in the franchise.

7 Jack Sparrow Fights Barbossa

Pirates Of The Caribbean: The Curse Of The Black Pearl

Jack Sparrow in The Curse of the Black Pearl.

One of the most classic fights in the franchise comes from the first film, The Curse of the Black Pearl, in which Jack and Barbossa have a heated duel in the cave at the Isla de Muerta. At this point in the story, both men are immortal because the curse has not yet been lifted. Their duel is still wildly exciting, however, and their rapid exchange of blows is shot with great care to make it look convincing. While it may not be the best fight in the franchise, Jack and Barbossa’s dialogue during the fight elevates the scene immensely.

6 Jack Sparrow Fights Angelica

Pirates Of The Caribbean: On Stranger Tides

Jack fights Angelica in On Stranger Tides.

Jack Sparrow’s fight with Angelica near the beginning of On Stranger Tides is a thrilling sequence that often looks like Jack is fighting himself. Indeed, that is how it’s intended since Angelica has been impersonating Jack. She even uses the same fighting style as him, creating an interesting mirror-like aesthetic in their duel. While this is not the best fight technically, the narrative value increases its overall level of enjoyability, especially when she reveals herself as Angelica, Jack’s former love interest.

5 Jack Sparrow Fights Henry

Pirates Of The Caribbean: Dead Men Tell No Tales

Henry Turner in Dead Men Tell No Tales.

Jack Sparrow’s fight with Will and Elizabeth’s son, Henry, is another fantastic sequence in the Pirates of the Caribbean franchise. Henry is possessed by Salazar in this duel, adding an extra layer of intrigue to their fight. Jack is hard-pressed against his younger opponent, and the shot construction is carefully done to reflect that. The mix of emotions in this scene also helps make it a great sword fight, since audiences are inclined to cheer for both characters. However, this fight lacks the incredible stunt work of some of the other fights in the series.

4 Will, Elizabeth, And Barbossa Fight The British In Singapore

Pirates Of The Caribbean: At World’s End

Elizabeth and Barbosa fight in Singapore in At World's End.

This epic confrontation from At World’s End takes place early in the film as Will, Elizabeth, and Barbossa get caught up in a fight with British soldiers while trying to find information on how to rescue Jack from the Land of the Dead. This fight is wide-ranging, and it employs all types of weapons, including swords. This is one of the most exciting fights in the franchise because of the sheer scope of the fighting. Elizabeth and Will distinguish themselves as they hold off the British and manage to escape. With fantastic stunts and plenty of action, this is easily one of the best fights in the series.

3 Jack Sparrow Fights Davy Jones On The Flying Dutchman

Pirates Of The Caribbean: At World’s End

Jack Sparrow fights Davy Jones in At World's End.

Another duel from At World’s End, Jack’s fight with Davy Jones aboard the Flying Dutchman is one of the most riveting sword fights in the series. Jack uses his ingenuity and athleticism to swing around the ship, perching atop the mast and swinging from a rope back to the deck in some of the series’ best stunt work. Jones keeps up with him easily, however, which keeps the fight moving and leaves the result up in the air right until the end. The stakes are also massive since they are fighting for the chest that holds Jones’ heart, which just makes this fight better.

2 Jack Sparrow Fights Will Turner In The Forge

Pirates Of The Caribbean: The Curse Of The Black Pearl

Jack and Will duel in The Curse of the Black Pearl.

Jack’s fight with Will in the forge at Port Royal is the first epic sword fight in the franchise, and it remains one of the best two in the series. This fight is technically outstanding as both contestants show off their skill with a blade and demonstrate their ability to innovate in a pinch. It also contains some great stunt work as Jack and Will launch themselves up into the rafters at one point during their duel. This fight is easily one of the memorable in the series, and it did a lot to set up the franchise’s reputation for riveting duels and incredible stunts.

1 Jack Sparrow, Will Turner, And James Norrington’s Three-Way Duel

Pirates Of The Caribbean: Dead Man’s Chest

Pirates of the Caribbean: Dead Man’s Chest Water Wheel Fight

The best fight in the Pirates of the Caribbean franchise is the three-way duel between Norrington, Jack, and Will, as each of them vies for the chest containing Davy Jones’ heart. This fight shows off the best stunt work in the franchise, and its ambition pays off in a big way. The result of this fight feels like it could go in any direction, and the stakes are sky-high, which helps build tension and elevate the scene.

The fight takes wild turns as it traverses an incredible set on a beautiful tropical island, taking the contestants from the jungle to the top of a water wheel and onto the beach. This is the best fight in the series on every level: choreography, stunt work, narrative value, and everything else that makes a sword fight great. There are a lot of great sword fights in Pirates of the Caribbean, but none of them achieve such high marks across the board as Dead Man Chest’s three-way duel.