10 Best Random Side Quests In Lies Of P (And Where To Find Them)

10 Best Random Side Quests In Lies Of P (And Where To Find Them)

Beyond its main plot line, Lies of P has a number of excellent side quests. In spite of not being necessary for the completion of the game, many of Lies of P‘s side quests are among the greatest, most entertaining, and most immersive missions in the city of Krat. While many ARPGs make their side quests almost as visible as their main quests, Lies of P takes a different approach, encouraging the player to search out these optional opportunities – consequently, many of them are incredibly easy to overlook. Although for the most part, Lies of P‘s side quests are all great, some are definitely better and more memorable than others.

One of 2023’s most anticipated games, Lies of P is a dark, brooding, and moody reimagining of Carlo Collodi’s classic children’s novel The Adventures of Pinocchio. With exceptional ambiance, story-telling, and combat, Lies of P is one of the best games in the soulslike subgenre. Although the highlight of the game is undeniably its main story, Lies of P‘s side quests are a great compliment to the overarching plot and only add to the already impressive immersion. Though they are not necessary, the vast majority of the side quests are worth the time and effort involved in completing them.

10 Venigni’s Request: The Missing Butler

10 Best Random Side Quests In Lies Of P (And Where To Find Them)

The side quest “Venigni’s Request: The Missing Butler,” sees Pinocchio reunite The Great Venigni with his puppet butler Pulcinella. The quest begins when Pinocchio talks with Venigni – who can be found next to the Stargazer in Venigni Works Control Room. Venigni asks Pinocchio to find Pulcinella, his missing butler puppet. To progress the quest, Pinocchio will need to defeat the boss King’s Flame, after doing so, Pinocchio will notice the elaborately mustachioed puppet, Pulcinella, leaning on one of the walls within the boss arena. After reuniting the butler and his master, the player will be rewarded with the fear gesture.

9 Finding Alidoro

Lies of P Treasure Hunter Alidoro that Players can Find Close to the St. Frangelico Cathedral Library

Perhaps the most significant side quest, with regard to potential benefit, is “Finding Alidoro.” Alidoro is a merchant with whom the player can trade rare Ergos earned by defeating bosses, so consequently, finding him and unlocking his shop will open Pinocchio up to some of the greatest weapons in Lies of P. While exploring the St. Frangelico Cathedral, Pinocchio will stumble upon a planetarium with some formidable enemies. After defeating them he can take an elevator to the roof of the Cathedral – there, patiently waiting, is Alidoro. Helping this hound-headed NPC get to Hotel Krat will make available his excellent store, and will lead to a long string of interactions involving Alidoro, Eugenie, and Rookie Explorer Hugo.

8 Find My Baby

A silhouette of a woman in a window in Lies of P.

Find my Baby” is perhaps the creepiest quest in the game. It begins with Pinocchio hearing the walling of a mother who has lost her baby. The Weeping Woman can be found Inside a house on Elysion Boulevard. Though the player will only ever see her silhouette, the Weeping Woman has a depressing backstory involving the reason she is no longer in possession of her child; although it was separated from her for its own safety, she will task Pinocchio with retrieving and returning it. Located in the lobby of Kract City Hall is a broken Baby Puppet, returning it to the inconsolable mother will complete the quest.

7 Find My Wife’s Belongings

A man in a suit and top hat standing next to a metal gate in Lies of P.

After teleporting to Rosa Isabelle Street Culvert Stargazer and traveling a short distance, Pinocchio will come across Julian the Gentleman who will task the player with locating and retrieving his recently deceased wife’s belongings. Going through a nearby sewer will lead to the corpse of a puppet lady slumped against a wall – this unfortunate puppet is Julian’s late wife. Simply collect her wedding ring and return it to Julian (or don’t). If Pinocchio returns the sentimental trinket he will receive the Sad Gesture as a reward, if he does not, he will keep the wedding ring as a recollection item.

6 Return the Archbishop’s Holy Mark

A woman in religious garb standing near a boarded door in Lies of P.

To progress with the side quest “Return the Archbishop’s Holy Mark” Pinocchio must not have yet defeated the boss Fallen Archbishop Andreus – doing so after defeating the boss will result in Cecile becoming hostile and not rewarding the player. After reaching St. Frangelico Cathedral Library Stargazer, Pinocchio can locate Sister Cecile who will task him with returning the Archbishop’s Holy Mark. After summiting the Cathedral to meet with Alidoro, Pinocchio can find the sought item in a nearby safe. After returning it and besting Fallen Archbishop Andreus, Pinnochio must return to Cecile’s location to obtain some collectibles (a record and letter) as well as the Pray gesture.

5 Find My Partner

A woman standing near a marble column in Lies of P.

The side quest “Find My Partner” is given by Belle in the Grand Exhibition – she tasks Pinocchio with locating her lost love. After defeating the boss in the Grand Exhibition, Champion Victor, Belle will move to Hotel Krat. To progress the side quest “Find My Partner,” beyond this point, the player will need to defeat the Corrupted Parade Master. After doing so, Pinocchio will be directed to Krat Central Station Platform Stargazer, where, in a train car, resides Atkinson, an infected man who will give the player a letter for Belle. To complete the quest return to Hotel Krat and talk with Bell who will ask about her amore’s fate.

4 The Bottle Of La Bleiwies

A silhouette of a woman in a window in Lies of P.

Given by the Old Lady at the Window, the side quest, “The Bottle of La Bleiwies,” sees Pinocchio track down a highly prized bottle of vintage wine. After speaking with the silhouette of the woman, she will request the player’s assistance in obtaining her favorite beverage. When entering Lorenzini Arcade later in the story, Pinocchio will come across an un-flooded wine cellar containing many a fine claret including the one sought by the Old Lady at the Window. Returning to the woman with the wine will result in a reward of the Venigni Commemorative Coin.

3 Toma’s Request

A lit window in a dark street in Lies of P.

It is vital to begin “Toma’s Request” before defeating the Scrapped Watchman, failing to do so will prevent the Faded Whistle, an essential quest object, from appearing in the correct location. While traveling close to the Stargazer Inside The House on Elysion Boulevard Pinocchio will come across a lit window from which the voice of Toma, an infected boy, can be heard. He will task the player with finding and returning his prized whistle. After defeating the Scrapped Watchman returning to Toma’s window and using the Faded Whistle will complete the quest.

2 The Actress In The Opera House

A woman in a red dress, sitting in a chair with papers and other clutter strewn about.

To complete “The Actress in the Opera House” it is crucial that the player purchases the Bright Red Apple from Polendina’s shop in Hotel Krat and that it is given to Adelina the Actress prior to defeating the boss King of Puppets. Located inside the Opera House on the first floor, is the actress Adelina. After interacting with her, prior to leaving, Pinocchio will give her the Bright Red Apple. After defeating King of Puppets, Pinocchio should return to the Opera House where he will find Adelina deceased and on the ground. Although there is no direct reward, after Adelina’s death, he can pick up a record.

1 The Broken Puppet

A broken down puppet, with a glowing red heart sitting next to a pile of other puppet carcasses.

The Broken Puppet” is an appropriately creepy and dark quest for a game with an atmosphere as unsettling as Lies of P. This quest sees Pinocchio practice his emotions with a Broken Puppet that lives. Located near the Barren Swamp Stargazer, the player will notice a Broken Puppet slumped over the mangled corpses of other broken puppets – a horrifying image. Engaging with the puppet will trigger a quest in which Pinocchio must demonstrate the Gestures he has learned. After demonstrating all of Pinocchio’s emotions, the Broken Puppet will give him a Quartz. Although not necessarily exciting, “The Broken Puppet” is quite possibly the best side quest in Lies of P.