10 Best Quotes From The Edge Of Seventeen

10 Best Quotes From The Edge Of Seventeen

Hailee Steinfeld as Nadine Franklin takes viewers along with her on a very relatable journey of young adulthood in The Edge of Seventeen. The film is a modern, fun-filled romantic comedy that plays off the many tropes of classic coming-of-age stories. Since its release in 2016, The Edge of Seventeen has racked up a large fan following mostly due to its very quotable moments.

Most film fans love it when a script gives them little snippets of wisdom they can use in real life. Sometimes those snippets are comforting and inspirational, other times they can be used as a comeback or self-deprecating joke, and Nadine gives plenty of both, helping to make The Edge of Seventeen one of the best teen comedies on Netflix.

Nadine Has A Realization

“I Just Had A Horrible Thought… I’m Going To Have To Spend The Rest Of My Life With Myself.”

10 Best Quotes From The Edge Of Seventeen

When Nadine and her best friend, Krista, discover that Nadine’s mother will be away for the weekend, they decided to take advantage. Instead of throwing a party, the two girls keep it low-key and run around the house in their PJs drinking alcohol.

When Nadine gets sick, she sits over the toilet and mumbles this quote to Krista. In an all-too-relatable exclamation of teenage angst, viewers feel for Nadine, which is why she is one of the most likable characters in The Edge of Seventeen. The film does a great job highlighting the difference between depression and teenage angst, and this comical scene mixed with such a sad statement begins to define Nadine’s journey.

Nadine On Friendship

“I Don’t Really Have Any Friends At The Moment And, To Be Honest With You, I’m Not Interested. At All.”

Nadine doing pistols with her hands in The Edge Of Seventeen

Nadine has many comical interactions with her favorite teacher Mr. Bruner, played by Woody Harrelson. She sits down to eat lunch with him because she has no one else to sit with. She claims she isn’t interested in friends, but Mr. Burner knows that isn’t true. He is a wonderful support pillar for Nadine, despite his sarcastic and sometimes even mean comments toward her.

He knows how to make Nadine think more clearly about what she is saying. This is why he replies, “Nadine, maybe nobody likes you.” Friends are complicated, and Mr. Bruner makes viewers, and Nadine, think a little bit deeper before spiraling.

The Opening Line

“I Don’t Want To Take Up Too Much Of Your Tie But I’m Going To Kill Myself. I Just Thought An Adult Should Know.”

Nadie looking up in the The Edge of Seventeen poster (cropped) - Hailee Steinfeld

This quote is how the film opens, and does a great job defining Nadine’s emotional state. This quote deals with the seriousness of suicide and the film has received some criticism for the suggestion that the line implies. But still, it is all part of the characterization of Nadine and the ways in which Mr. Bruner helps her to see that she is going through a temporary period of teen-angst and that with time and determination it will pass.

Nadine is full of theatrics, which is consistent throughout the rest of the film, and one of the reasons Edge of Seventeen contains Hailee Steinfeld’s best performance. Mr. Bruner knows that if he responds to fire more outrageous fire, he would elicit a smile, which he does in his very next quote.

Mr. Bruner Fires Back

“I Have 32 Fleeting Minutes Of Happiness During Lunch Which Has Been Eaten Up Again And Again By The Same Especially Badly Dressed Student.”

Mr. Bruner sitting in his classroom in The Edge of Seventeen

Mr. Bruner’s response to Nadine’s indication that she wants to end her life is a mock suicide note. He has no intention of lessening the value of Nadine’s feelings, he just wants to draw attention to the extremity of what she is implying. Nadine’s comments are not founded in any reality, and, as the most intelligent character in Edge of Seventeen, Mr. Bruner knows this and reacts in a way that he knows she would appreciate.

However, this quote brings out a laugh in viewers and reminds them of all the years they spent pestering their favorite teachers at lunchtime. And Nadine’s bad fashion sense is also something viewers can relate to.

Mona’s Revelation

“Everyone Is As Miserable As I Am. They’re Just Better At Pretending.”

Mona hiding behind a car in The Edge Of Seventeen

Mona, played by Kyra Sedgwick, represents the grief that is looming over the characters in this film. She is still learning how to cope with the passing of her husband. She has a difficult time connecting with Nadine, and their different ways of coping with loss create a wedge between them.

This quote is so relatable and really puts things into perspective both for Nadine and for viewers. It touches on a common theme in the film, that everyone suffers, and you can’t always see what others are going through, so it’s important to be kind and patient as everyone navigates those feelings.

Mona’s Evening Plans

“I Wanna Go Home, Fix My Hair, Put On A Beautiful Face Of Makeup, The Best Dress I Own, Then Take It All Off And Go To Sleep.”

Mona looking annoyed in The Edge of Seventeen

Mona says this after trying to comfort Nadine, and in turn, trying to comfort herself. At one point or another, viewers have been where Mona is, down on themselves because of a failed relationship or any other reason.

Still, Mona speaks for the group when she says she wants to get all dressed up, take it all off, and go to bed. It is a very honest and surprisingly helpful statement. She reminds Nadine and audiences that one has to remember to do things that make them happy, even if no one is watching.

Nadine’s Brutal Honesty

“There Are Two Types Of People In The World: The People Who Naturally Excel At Life. And The People Who Hope All Those People Die In A Big Explosion.”

Nadine spreading her arms in The Edge of Seventeen

When this line is uttered, Nadine is narrating as a younger version of herself and her brother are on screen. She is describing the difference between her and Darian. This portion of the film does a wonderful job laying the foundation for the relationship between the siblings.

Their personalities are so different and the juxtaposition makes for wonderful on-screen interactions. Nadine is so dramatic and it really resonates with viewers because they’ve all been there. At least anyone with a sibling knows how that relationship can be tricky, especially in one where loss is involved.

Nadine On Her Mom

“My Mom Has To Take Medicine, Or She’ll Get Too Upset And Buy Too Much At The Mall.”

Nadine and Krista looking back in The Edge Of Seventeen,

Nadine said this to Krista in a flashback scene where the girls are sharing secrets under a fort. This scene is foundational to the understanding of Nadine and Krista’s friendship. Without diving too deep into the meaning of the quote, at face value, it’s comical. The girls are giggling, and the audience is giggling along with them.

It’s such a fun way to show a mom from the perspective of her young daughter. Little kids don’t understand everything, so watching them make sense of the world, and do it with humor, makes the line and this whole scene so sweet.

Nadine’s Pep Talk To Herself

“Don’t Be Awkward. Socialize.”

Nadine sitting on a classroom chair in The Edge of Seventeen

This is one of the most relatable moments in the whole film. Nadine finds herself at a party where she doesn’t know anyone, very uncharacteristic of her. She feels overwhelmed and is immediately ditched by Krista and Darian. She gives herself a quick pep talk – “Don’t be awkward. Socialize,” but it doesn’t do her any good.

She’s still awkward, and she doesn’t socialize. It’s a mantra many fans have stolen from the film and used in their everyday life, but also one that many people remember having said to themselves when they were in high school.

Nadine To Her Brother

“Your Head Is Too Big For Your Body. It’s Ridiculous And You’ll Never Be Able To Fix It.”

Krista and Darian smiling in The Edge of Seventeen

Finally, a fan-favorite quote was yelled in a heated exchange between Nadine and Darian. When Nadine finds out about Krista and her brother, she is furious. She cannot contain the upset and, on top of her already budding teenage angst, this was the icing on the cake. In fact, she’s so mad she can’t seem to form entire cohesive thoughts, and her angry comebacks are weak and unfounded.

But yelling this famous line at Darian is a peak comical moment for Nadine in the film, and not one of her most intelligent. It really goes to show how she really hasn’t processed her grief yet, and how she is still learning how to show her emotions properly. Still, the line is one of the best comical moments of the film.