10 Best Quotes From Netflix’s Human Resources

10 Best Quotes From Netflix’s Human Resources

Just like its predecessor Big Mouth, Human Resources is full of memorable and hilarious quotes that perfectly capture the outrageous circumstances surrounding adulthood milestones like choosing a college, getting married, and having a baby. Hormone Monsters, Lovebugs, and other creatures do their best to help their human clients navigate these concerns, giving a voice to all of their myriad emotions.

Whether Maury is making witty and irreverent observations about the office, Rick is doling out bizarre words of wisdom, or Pete is just reminding everyone that Logic Rocks also have feelings, the workplace comedy uses humor to soften the blow of life’s ups and downs with some great quotes.


“It’s All Gucci, Stanley Tucci.”

10 Best Quotes From Netflix’s Human Resources

Emmy the Lovebug is a creature who doesn’t go asking for more responsibility — especially if it’ll interfere with her partying lifestyle. But when Sonya gets fired, Emmy suddenly becomes the only person who can help Sonya’s human assignment Becca conquer her postpartum depression.

Believing she’ll have to fake it ’til she makes it in her new capacity as Becca’s Lovebug, Emmy responds to the pressures of the position with this quote of deflection, which seems like another one-liner destined to be a Human Resources classic. Maybe the namedrop will make Stanley Tucci consider playing a role in future seasons.


“I Wish I Was A Simple S***-For-Brains Like You F***ing Zeros But My Inner Depths Know No Bounds.”

Maury, Mona, Gavin, and Joe in Human Resources

Maury has something of a midlife crisis during season 1, but his coworkers don’t really understand what he’s going through, especially since it seems like he’s been working as a Hormone Monster for many more hundreds of years than they have.

It makes sense that Maury would insult his peers and give himself a pat on the back during a major downturn in his life, while also proving that ironic humor can be applied to the crisis of creatures as well as their clients.

Cat Stevens

“They’re Like Weed And Cartoons — They Totally Complement Each Other.”

Cat Stevens (James III) from Human Resources

Cat Stevens is Barry’s Depression Kitty, but he’s unlike any Depression Kitty fans have seen in either Big Mouth or Human Resources. He’s relatively low-key and seems to represent a functioning version of depression that Barry has lived with.

Cat Stevens knows Barry, but more importantly, he knows Barry and Becca’s history, and acknowledges that while they might have their differences now, “they totally complement each other.” Given the negative connotation of what he usually represents, Cat Stevens should be acknowledged as an important part of the reason Barry and Becca reconcile and recognized as one of Human Resources‘ best characters.


“Sonya, It’s Me, Connie, In A Wig Because Of Sex Stuff!”

Connie in a blonde wig in Human Resources

Connie and Maury go through some complications in their relationship in Human Resources, and in order to spice things up in the bedroom, the two Hormone Monsters turn to roleplaying, with Maury as a gunslinger and Connie as a super-spy.

When Sonya needs her help, Connie has to remind her who she is because of her fantastic disguise, which isn’t half as surprising as Maury forgoing his night of passion in order for Connie to stay and console her friend.


“That Makes Sense In Rectumspect.”

Maury the Hormone Monster (Nick Kroll) from Human Resources

Maury’s colorfully crass way with words is one of the reasons that he’s so endearing on Big Mouth, and his unique way of phrasing things makes him one of the funniest characters on Human Resources. 

Like its predecessor, there’s usually so much going on in every frame of Human Resources that these sorts of hilarious quotes fly completely under the radar. Maury’s puns are sure to become the stuff of legend as the series progresses.


“Two Days Ago I Took An Eight Pound S*** And Now It Wakes Me Up Every Night.”

Connie coaching Becca give birth in Human Resources

Becca is the human assignment that fans see the most in season 1 because she’s the main focus for Emmy, Petra, Pete, Connie, and the rest of her creatures during and after her pregnancy. Becca is beyond burnt out from her baby, and has developed a cynical view of life as a result.

She isn’t afraid to be raw and authentic about her pregnancy experience, and this quote really drives home the reason that Human Resources and Big Mouth are so popular; they don’t sugarcoat the reality of certain difficult situations, whether they involve adults or pubescent kids. Relieving the tension of the scenario with humor also makes it more palatable.


“Love Lesson Number One Million And One! The Line Between Love And Hate Is Thin As Hell.”

Big Mouth Season 5 Walter the Lovebug

As a Lovebug, Walter’s passions wax and wane; sometimes he’s a hopeless romantic, while other times he’s a rampaging Hate Worm. He preaches that love and hate are just opposite sides of the same coin and that approaching them with that mindset helps humans realize that there is no constant to their emotions.

The opposite of love isn’t hatred but indifference; at least with hate, Walter posits, love can be found somewhere nearby, but if two people are indifferent to one another, there is no chance of any feelings of caring or concern to return.


“Rocks Have Feelings.”

Pete the Logic Rock with a human assignment on Human Resources

As a Logic Rock, Pete constantly has to try to make his human assignments see reason even when the more boisterous of their creatures support their emotions overriding their rationality. But this doesn’t mean that Pete isn’t capable of having emotions himself.

He develops feelings for Rochelle, a friendly Lovebug in the office, but reconsiders telling her how he feels when he realizes that he’s been the butt of an inside joke she’s shared with Emmy for decades. Pete’s simple declaration not only makes him a more complicated character but also highlights the error of misjudging coworkers based on one or two aspects of their personality.


“Garbage Is Just A Fort You Haven’t Built Yet, Baby.”

Rick the Hormone Monster (Nick Kroll) from Human Resources

Most of the time Rick is incomprehensible but on rare occasions, his quotes are like what wise old Rafiki might sound like with a mouth full of marbles, dispensing garbled wisdom that can make all the difference in his human assignment’s life.

In a unique take on, “When life gives you lemons, make lemonade,” Rick shows with this quote the positive changes that can happen when someone looks at unfortunate circumstances from a different perspective that isn’t clouded by bitterness and resentment.


“Well, Look At That. You Guys Saved A Marriage, And I Got One Of My Amish Clients To Draw A Sexy Chicken In The Dirt. Sounds Like We Both Had A Pretty Big Day.”

Mauryh and Connie in the office in Human Resources

For the majority of the first season, Becca experiences major postpartum depression and isn’t emotionally connected with her baby or her worried husband Barry. Towards the end, her Lovebug Emmy, Logic Rock Pete, and other creatures turn her situation around, and even Maury shares in their celebration.

In typical Maury fashion, he manages to tie together two completely unrelated things, while still managing to put a positive spin on the whole scenario. Alas, there is no a cutaway showing exactly what a sexy Amish chicken looks like.