10 Best Quotes From All The X-Men Films

10 Best Quotes From All The X-Men Films

There are many questions that bother X-Men fans (like whether or not Logan should have been the last movie and which X-Men are stronger than Thor), but by far the most important one is the chronological order of the franchise.

But whatever anyone thinks about the inconsistencies in this wonderful but now virtually deceased franchise, there is no denying that it had some really good lines. Here are the 10 best quotes out of all the X-Men movies!

“What’s a Magneto?” (X-Men, 2000)

10 Best Quotes From All The X-Men Films

The reason why Wolverine is one of the most relatable and beloved characters in the franchise is that he reacts as any person would to the hilariousness of the whole concept of X-Men – even though he is a mutant himself.

When Professor Xavier tells him about the “war” between X-Men and the Brotherhood, he mentions Magneto to which Logan replies, “What’s a Magneto?” These kind of jokes are exactly what made the first films so entertaining.

“I’m Canadian.” (X-Men Origins: Wolverine, 2009)

X-Men Origins Wolverine movie reviews

Though X-Men Origins: Wolverine is considered one of the worst in the entire franchise, there is one particular scene that many fans cite as their favorite.

When Stryker is trying to persuade Logan to go with him, he uses all kinds of reasons that could motivate him including patriotism asking Logan to do it “for the country”. The Wolverine replies, “I’m Canadian.” What makes it even more hilarious is the fact that Hugh Jackman is Australian (playing a Canadian character who everyone thinks is American).

“My emotions make me strong.” (Dark Phoenix, 2019)

Another movie that isn’t quite loved as the others, Dark Phoenix still has quite a few great lines some of which even mirror the themes of Captain Marvel (though it’s probably the other way around considering that Dark Phoenix was complete way before Captain Marvel).

In the final battle, Jean – who had been constantly told to suppress her emotions – finally realizes the truth: “My emotions make me strong.”

“You are not broken.” (Dark Phoenix, 2019)

X-Men Dark Phoenix Trailer James McAvoy as Professor X

Another great quote from Dark Phoenix is the one spoken by Charles to Jean: “You are not broken.” Throughout the entire film, we keep seeing how distraught Jean is because she is afraid of the force inside her, but Charles finally tells her what she needed to hear.

For anyone who has ever felt insecure about themselves and can relate to Jean, this quote is more than just another “angsty piece of wisdom”.

“Don’t be what they made you.” (Logan, 2017)

Patrick Stewart as Charles Xavier and Hugh Jackman as Wolverine in Logan, 2017

One of the biggest tragedies for Logan and then for his daughter Laura is that they are constantly treated like they are not people but rather beasts (of course, this is pretty much how all mutants are treated, but these two seem to get even more of it).

This is why the quote from Logan, “Don’t be what they made you,” is so powerful. Though Laura was designed to be a killer machine and Logan was previously experimented on to be a weapon, they can still be good people if they choose to.

“Mankind has always feared what it doesn’t understand.” (X-Men, 2000)

Ian McKellen as Magneto Erik Lehnsherr wearing a hat in X-Men 2000

Perhaps one of the most X-Men quotes comes from the very first movie and is tightly associated with the character who said it – Magneto.

“Mankind has always feared what it doesn’t understand,” – that pretty much sums up Erik’s entirely ideology. He believes that mutants are superior to people and humans are afraid of them because they cannot comprehend the extent of their abilities.

“When an individual acquires great power, the use or misuse of that power is everything. Will it be used for the greater good or will it be used for personal or destructive ends? Now this is a question we must all ask ourselves. Why? Because we are mutants.” (X-Men: The Last Stand, 2006)

Professor X in X-Men The Last Stand

X-Men: The Last Stand is notorious for holding the title of the worst X-Men film up until X-Men Origins: Wolverine came out. That being said, it’s great to know that the creators made some bold decisions even if they weren’t successful.

Though this quote applies to pretty much all superheroes and supervillains, it even more applicable to mutants because most of them are born with superpowers rather than acquiring them.

“There’s so much more to you than you know, not just pain and anger. There’s good in you too, and you can harness all that. You have a power that no one can match, not even me.” (X-Men: First Class, 2011)

The love-hate relationship between Charles and Erik has always been one of the central aspects of X-Men, and First Class focuses on it more than any other movie.

It is very symbolic that Charles is the one who tells this to Erik and teaches him how to use his powers without using anger. The quote also means that we underestimate ourselves and we are actually better than we think we are.

“Just because someone stumbles and loses their path, doesn’t mean they are lost forever.” (X-Men: Days of Future Past, 2014)

X-Men Days of Future Past — Hank — Charles — Wolverine (11)

Another amazing quote about being a good person and valuing yourself comes from one of the best X-Men movies – Days of Future Past.

“Just because someone stumbles and loses their path, doesn’t mean they are lost forever,” is also spoken in a very important moment in the film when Raven has the power to change the course of history by showing that mutants are not the monsters humans think they are.

“Mutant and proud.” (X-Men: First Class, 2011)

Mystique Jennifer Lawrence

What quote can be more important than “Mutant and proud”? It’s so simple yet so powerful. It symbolizes Raven’s acceptance of who she is and a resolution that pretty much every mutant should come to if they want to be happy.

There is also a universal message behind this quote. It’s about self-love, acceptance, acknowledging your powers and your weaknesses, and realizing that you are a valuable person.