10 Best Multiplayer Modes In The Halo Gaming Franchise

10 Best Multiplayer Modes In The Halo Gaming Franchise

Halo has been a staple of multiplayer gaming since Halo: Combat Evolved was released for the original Xbox in 2001. That original title may have only supported local multiplayer via split-screen or LAN connections, but the franchise has remained one of the most played on Xbox Live.

One of the reasons for Halo‘s success is that its multiplayer modes cater to a wide array of player tastes. Competitively-oriented players can flex their team tactics in modes like Team Slayer, Swat, and Capture the Flag, while those interested in something more casual can have fun in Fiesta or Shotty Snipers.


10 Best Multiplayer Modes In The Halo Gaming Franchise

Halo 5 may be one of the lower-ranked Halo games, but it did introduce a fun game mode in Warzone. Warzone acts like a mix between Big Team Battle and Firefight. While two large teams are battling for victory, killing enemies isn’t the only objective.

There are also AI enemies that spawn, and players that take them out to earn significant victory points for their team. Weapons and vehicles are also summoned via cards and a performance-based point system. While this lets teams strategize to drop in powerful weapons and vehicles when they’re needed most, some players were not happy that these ordinance drops soured the game with microtransactions.


Halo Infinite screenshot with an energy sword weilding Elite.

Halo Infinite is poised to be one of the best free multiplayer games around, but it appears that it will not be bringing back the fan-favorite multiplayer mode: Invasion. Instead of a traditional match on a closed arena, Invasion divided players into large teams of Spartans and Elites that attempted to either break through control points or stop the enemy’s advance.

No Halo mode since has features dynamic maps. The game’s generally started in smaller areas with only traditional firearms, but later stages would open up to include more powerful weapons and vehicles.

Shotty Snipers

The sniper rifle in Halo Infinite

Shotty Snipers is a popular game mode because it blends the skill requirements of modes like Swat with the mayhem of Action Sack modes. As its name implies, Shotty Snipers spawns each team (or individual in the Lone Wolf variant) with a shotgun and a sniper and tasks them with reaching 50 kills.

This game mode has an interesting flow to it, as players divide between sniping from a distance and charging the enemy line with a shotgun. Neither weapon dominates because of the relatively small maps that the mode is played on.


A player in Halo 3 using a Battle Rifle on Ghost Town

Swat is a memorable game mode because it fundamentally changes how players think about combat in Halo. The time it takes to kill an opponent is longer in Halo than in most other competitive multiplayer games, and this game design choice significantly affects how players tackle encounters in every battle. In Swat, headshots are instant kills.

This changes which lines-of-sight are valuable, which weapons are worth using, and how players need to cover each others’ movement. Given these massive differences from traditional Halo game modes, competitive Swat players tend not to branch out too much into other game modes.


Red player with massive weapon in Halo.

Halo has some of the most bizarre sci-fi weapons in gaming, but players will likely only use four or five on a regular basis in multiplayer matches. Fiesta lets players enjoy the vast array of firearms available in the franchise by randomly giving them two each time they spawn.

It’s definitely not a balanced game mode, and it can feel bad to be stuck with a single SMG and a plasma rifle, but the nonstop goofy action is the perfect way to blow off steam after a string of competitive matches.

Team Doubles

Two Halo players playing doubles

Halo is traditionally a game that’s required a large amount of teamwork to be successful, but random players can be unreliable, and it can be challenging to get together a whole group of four friends at the same time. Team Doubles is the perfect game mode for friends looking for tight, cooperative action that mandates planning and communication.

Doubles drops players into battles consisting of four teams of two, and worrying about multiple enemy squads adds a unique layer to movement and combat awareness. This is one of Halo‘s most competitive game modes.

Capture The Flag

Halo Infinite Multiplayer Tech Preview 2 Big Team Battle

Capture the Flag is a game mode that’s been a staple of the franchise since the original Halo: Combat Evolved. The mode doesn’t function any differently than in any other multiplayer game, but Halo‘s scale and combat flow have made this one of the most popular game modes for decades.

Players that prefer to do their own thing should steer clear of Capture the Flag: this mode requires precise teamwork and communication to coordinate offensive attacks and defensive holds. There is little more satisfying than grabbing the enemy flag and being carried back to base by a teammate’s Warthog.


a zombie in halo 5 infection

Halo has many things to do that most players never discover, and many players may be unaware that there has been an official zombie-inspired multiplayer mode since Halo 3. Infection started out as a popular game mode in local multiplayer matches, but its popularity took off and eventually saw it supported by Bungie (and 343).

In this mode, players are split into two teams: the survivors and the infected. Survivors have traditional firearms to use and must avoid sword-wielding enemies. Any survivor that is killed respawns as an infected.

Team Slayer

Group of four players shooting in Halo, moving towards the screen in Team Slayer mode.

To many Halo enthusiasts, there’s no beating classic Team Slayer. There aren’t any frills in this game mode. Each team has four players, each player starts with the same weapons, and the teams fight until one of them reaches 50 kills.

This mode is Halo at its most balanced, and teams must work together to control power weapon spawns, watch enemy flanks, and secure map locations with essential lines of sight. Every game in the Halo franchise has added its own twist to multiplayer, but team slayer has always been untouchable.

Big Team Battle

Halo Infinite Big Team Battle Gameplay Reveal

Small, squad-based battles on tightly-designed maps may be the bread and butter of the competitive Halo scene, but no other game mode emphasizes what makes the franchise unique that Big Team Battle. Instead of two teams of four, this game mode drops players into larger battles of eight against eight.

Big Team Battle maps are larger and more open, and the games place a more significant emphasis on vehicular combat. Big Team Battles can include everything from classic Slayer games to objective modes like Capture the Flag, and the larger player count ensures that there’s never a shortage of mayhem to be found.