10 Best Fullmetal Alchemist Fights, Ranked

10 Best Fullmetal Alchemist Fights, Ranked

Fullmetal Alchemist and Fullmetal Alchemist: Brotherhood are filled with some of the greatest fight scenes in anime history. The series’ signature alchemy magic system leads to a wide variety of characters with different powersets. More so than most other action series, Fullmetal Alchemist’s uses its varied powersets to create intense battles.

The series is filled with battles that aren’t just physical, but psychological and emotional too. Edward Elric often wins his fights through intelligence and creativity, Roy Mustang through precision, and King Bradley through aggression and experience. On top of that, some fights in the series serve as ideological clashes where philosophical ideas of right and wrong are on the line.

10 The Armstrongs & The Curtis’ Vs. Sloth is a Great Team Fight

Fullmetal Alchemist: Brotherhood Episode 55

10 Best Fullmetal Alchemist Fights, Ranked

Sloth is the strongest and the most physically imposing of all the Homunculi in Fullmetal Alchemist: Brotherhood. Although he was hidden for most of the series, it’s revealed that he was digging out a massive transmutation circle beneath Amestris. Once Sloth is sent to deal with General Olivier and Alex Armstrong, a large battle ensues. At first, Sloth seems to win against them, using his incredible physical strength. But Sloth’s victory is short-lived once Izumi and Sig Curtis arrive on the scene. They made the fight look easy, subduing Sloth using just their bare hands and impaling Sloth on a spike at the end of the fight. The Armstrongs and Curtis’ facing Sloth is a great example of Fullmetal Alchemist’s many team fights as it pushes each character’s abilities to their limit.

9 Ed Vs. Mustang Showed Both Alchemists’ Strengths

Fullmetal Alchemist Episode 13

Roy Mustang and Edward Elric from Fullmetal Alchemist

The fight between Edward and Roy Mustang in the original Fullmetal Alchemist was a mock duel. The two’s brawl was intense despite Mustang holding an edge over Ed for the majority of the time. The battle was almost decided in the Flame Alchemist’s favor until a wartime memory prevented him from finishing the battle. Taking the opportunity, Ed used his signature arm blade to force Mustang into a draw. The fight with Mustang showed the ingenuity and creativity of Edward even when facing a superior opponent, providing an interesting way of looking at battles. Edward tends to win fights using his head, instead of his muscle.

8 Edward & Alphonse’s First Fight Against Scar Was Almost the Elrics’ End

Fullmetal Alchemist: Brotherhood Episode 5

The first time Ed and Al met with Scar, they suffered a major defeat. Scar destroyed Ed’s right arm and broke pieces of Alphonse’s armor. In fact, if reinforcements hadn’t arrived, it would probably have been the end for the Elrics. The battle itself was one-sided, where they tried to escape from Scar, but were unsuccessful time and time again. The emotional weight of the scene and Ed’s desperate cries to save his brother make this a great fight. This scene also serves as the preparation for their second encounter and the battle down the line where the brothers did better.

7 Edward Elric & Ling Yao Vs Envy is One of FMA’s Most Unique

Fullmetal Alchemist: Brotherhood Episode 26

Edward and Ling Yao fought against Envy in episode 26 of Fullmetal Alchemist: Brotherhood. This is one of the most disturbing fights in the entire series, with Envy transforming into a giant monster that has soul-like creatures on its body. These souls constantly cry for help during the fight, stunning Edward who didn’t know how to deal with them. Eventually, Ed finds the Philosopher Stone inside Envy when he gets swallowed by the monster, which allows him to create a plan that will help them leave the fight unscathed. This fight is quite unique, where Ed and Ling have to deal with a monster while hearing the screams of the people, creating an atmosphere similar to Berserk’s infamous Eclipse.

6 Bradley vs. Greed is About Authority Vs. Rebellion

Fullmetal Alchemist: Brotherhood episode 45

The fight between Bradley and Greed marks the difference between discipline on one side and rebellion on the other. King Bradley, the Führer President, represents the authoritarian regime of Amestris while Greed represents the rebellion against authority. The clash of these two formidable opponents isn’t just ideological, but tactical as well. Bradley is strategic and experienced in combat, using his aggressive sword-fighting skills to pierce through Greed’s ultimate defense, a carbon-hardened skin. Both characters are highly skilled and effective, meaning that Greed vs Bradley is one of the most memorable fights in Fullmetal Alchemist history.

5 Edward vs. Greed Showed Edward’s Ingenuity

Fullmetal Alchemist Episode 34

The fight between Edward and Greed happens once the Elric brothers find the Homunculi hideout. King Bradley was fighting Greed head-on, but Ed needed a different approach because he didn’t have the kind of battle experience Bradley had. The turning point is when Edward figures out how Greed’s shield, which makes him invulnerable, works and alters the carbon in it to break through Greed’s defenses. This fight reveals more information about Humunculi and provides insight into some of their weaknesses. Ed’s ingenuity, creativity, and alchemy knowledge showed him how to overcome an enemy that, at first, looked invincible, proving just how strong Edward’s determination was.

4 King Bradley Vs. Scar Ranks Among FMA’s Most Brutal

Fullmetal Alchemist: Brotherhood episode 59

Scar from Fullmetal Alchemist attacking.

King Bradley vs. Scar was one of the most brutal duels in Fullmetal Alchemist: Brotherhood. After Wrath finally caught up with Scar, the battle ensued. King Bradley took his aggressive approach, utilizing wordplay, strategic experience, and the Ultimate Eye, which allowed him to see the outcomes of the battle before they even began. Scar’s right hand has a deconstruction alchemy, destroying anything it touches. In this fight, King Bradley finally finds his equal and loses to Scar, losing one of his arms, making this encounter one of the biggest duels in the series.

Splñit image showing Wrath and Olivier in Fullmetal Alchemist.


The 10 Strongest Characters In Fullmetal Alchemist: Brotherhood, Ranked

The world of Fullmetal Alchemist: Brotherhood is filled with immensely powerful alchemists and fighters. These are the strongest.

3 Mustang Vs. Envy is One of Anime’s Best Rage Moments

Fullmetal Alchemist: Brotherhood episode 53

Roy Mustang’s fight against Envy is the culmination of personal revenge, anger, frustration, and vendetta. Once Envy admits to killing Mustang’s good friend, Maes Hughes, the fight escalates. Mustang uses his fire alchemy to burn Envy to the ground, channeling all of the anger and revenge into those moves. This fight is one of the most emotional moments in Fullmetal Alchemist: Brotherhood, showing the human side of dealing with loss, character growth, and the impact of vengeance on humanity. This fight also moves the story forward, pushing the narrative into the final confrontation and the fight against the Father.

2 Alphonse Vs. Pride & Kimblee is Strategy At Its Finest

Fullmetal Alchemist: Brotherhood Episode 52

The battle between Alphonse Elric, Pride, and Kimblee in Fullmetal Alchemist: Brotherhood provides strategic depth and character development that is unparalleled. Usually, it’s Edward who takes the spotlight when it comes to fights, showcasing his intelligence and battle prowess. However, in this instance, it’s Al who is in the center and he manages to showcase his skills. Alphonse proves to everyone that he’s more than capable of dealing with dangerous foes, physically and intellectually, by outsmarting his enemies. He trapped Pride in a dome while he created a scheme where Kimble would be absorbed by Pride, leaving the battle almost unscathed.

1 Father Vs. Everyone is Fullmetal Alchemist’s Best Fight

Fullmetal Alchemist: Brotherhood Episode 62

Once Father, the primary antagonist of Fullmetal Alchemist: Brotherhood, reaches his god-like status, the battle between him and all the other characters in the series starts. The sheer scale of the battle includes characters such as Roy Mustang, the Elric brothers, Scar, the remaining Homunculi, and even the military. The battle isn’t great just because of the scale, but because various characters use completely different strategies to fight Father to see what would work. Characters also achieve growth in this narrative climax, going through personal sacrifice and redemption arcs during the battle. All of this adds up to making the final battle with Father Fullmetal Alchemist’s best fight.

All episodes of Fullmetal Alchemist: Brotherhood are streaming on Crunchyroll.

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