10 Best Duos From Animated Disney Movies, Ranked

10 Best Duos From Animated Disney Movies, Ranked

Disney animated movies often have dynamic duos that bring out each other’s unique characteristics, but some are better than others. These iconic pairs have been essential in showing the nuances that every friendship has. Duos are an essential element in Disney animated movies because they help elevate the plot and add a layer of complexity to the story. The pairings usually involve characters with opposite personalities that balance each other out.

Like all great friendships, duos from Disney animated movies help each other grow. They provide an opportunity for characters to learn from each other and work together despite their differences. Having such pairings in an animated movie is a great way to teach a younger audience core themes like friendship, loyalty, and compromise. Duos often allow for character development because each character can explore his or her journey while being supported by a friend who wants the best for them. Duos from Disney animated movies prove that sometimes, two is better than one.

10 Lilo & Stitch

From: Lilo & Stitch (2002)

10 Best Duos From Animated Disney Movies, Ranked

Lilo and Stitch’s friendship is an excellent example of how misfits can make the greatest pairs. Lilo is a lonely outcast who cannot seem to fit in anywhere, while Stitch is an excitable blue alien who ran away from the Galactic Federation. On paper, a friendship between a young girl and an alien shouldn’t work. However, Lilo and Stitch’s friendship works because their differences complement each other. The duo’s friendship is based on a need for a deep connection that they are both lacking. The pair embark on a series of adventures that not only cements their bond but proves that family can be chosen.

9 Yzma & Kronk

From: The Emperors New Groove (2000)

At her core, Yzma is a lonely woman who, despite her villanous acts, is looking for a deeper connection. Her relationship with Kronk is an integral part of her. The two often bicker and fight, but at the end of it all, Kronk still remains loyal to Yzma. Even though it seems that Kronk is more of an errand boy than a friend, his willingness to stay beside her proves that their relationship is much deeper than that of an employer and employee. Kronk has a levelheaded personality and can sometimes lack common sense, while Yzma is power-hungry and vain. The two opposing personalities are what makes this duo special.

8 Moana & Maui

From: Moana (2016)

Moana and Maui standing on a beach and facing forward in Moana

Moana and Maui’s friendship isn’t without its ups and downs. Maui thinks too highly of himself and Moana is a selfless teenager who wants to save her village. Their opposite personalities often lead the duo to clash. Despite their differences, Moana and Maui work together to restore the heart of Tefiti. Maui teaches Moana how to rely on herself and be strong, while Moana helps Maui redeem himself. Maui and Moana’s partnership stands out because the duo bring out the best in each other. Their partnership shows that everyone needs a little help sometimes and that it’s okay to be vulnerable.

7 Nick & Judy

From: Zootopia (2016)

Nick Wilde and Judy Hopps’s partnership is among one of the many reasons that make Zootopia such a great animated movie. Judy is a do-gooder who believes in abiding by the law, while Nick thinks the law is more of a suggestion than something that should be followed. Even though they initially start off on opposing ends, their friendship gradually grows and they develop a strong bond. As they embark on an adventure to save Zootopia, Judy and Nick learn to trust each other and learn from each other. The duo showds that friendship and love can transcend anything, including prejudice.

6 Genie & Aladdin

From: Aladdin (1992)

Genie and Aladdin hugging in Aladdin

When Aladdin entered the cave of wonders and freed Genie from the lamp, he had no idea that Genie would be one of the most important parts of his life. Aladdin and Genie do not start off as friends. Genie is simply there to grant Aladdin’s wishes. However, as they interact more, their relationship develops into a deeper bond. Genie teaches Aladdin to trust himself, and Aladdin proves to Genie that he cares about him when he frees him from the lamp. The dynamic duo are a hilarious pair whose interactions are a lesson about love, friendship, loyalty, and trust.

5 Marlin & Dory

From: Finding Nemo (2003)

Dory and Marlin have one of the best Disney friendships. Dory has a short-term memory that could sometimes get on Marlin’s nerves, while Marlin tends to be controlling. When the pair team up to save Marlin’s son, they begin to form a genuine bond. Dory and Marlin go through a lot together during their adventures. They narrowly survive a shark attack, they get swallowed by a whale, and swim through jellyfish infested waters. Throughout all their adventures, their friendship grows stronger as the two learn more about each other. Dory teaches Marlin to be more free-spirited, and Dory’s memory improves because of Marlin’s friendship.

4 Woody & Buzz

From: Toy Story (1995)

Buzz carries Woody while flying in Toy Story

Woody and Buzz Lightyear formed the most unlikely friendship in Toy Story. Woody was one of Andy’s oldest and favorite toys and then Buzz came along and nudged him out of first place. Woody is, of course, jealous that Andy is more interested in Buzz than him. This jealousy results in Woody and Buzz becoming enemies. Despite their friendship starting off on the wrong foot, Woody and Buzz learn to value and trust each other. Woody is calm and a great leader, while Buzz can sometimes be immature and annoying. However, when they team up, they form one of the most unbreakable bonds in the movie.

3 Mike & Sulley

From: Monsters, Inc. (2001)

Mike and Sulley surrounded by other monster workers in Monsters Inc

Mike Wazowski and James P. Sullivan, aka Sully, are the most lovable duo in all of Pixar. The combination of Mike and Sulley’s best traits results in a memorable, iconic duo. As the two embark on an adventure to take Boo home, they learn to be kind and compassionate, and the importance of teamwork. Mike and Sulley’s friendship is a testament to how teamwork can make the dream work. The two might have opposing personalities, but they put them aside to achieve a much more important goal. Mike and Sulley each bring something unique to their friendship that is essential in their character growth.

2 Lumiere & Cogsworth

From: Beauty And The Beast (1991)

Lumiere and Cogsworth

For a dynamic duo to work, it’s important that the characters have a common goal that brings them closer together. For Beauty and the Beast‘s Lumiere and Cogsworth, that goal is to get Belle to fall in love with the Beast so that everyone trapped in the house can return to their original form. Lumiere is charismatic and hospitable, while Cogsworth is uptight and wants things done by the book. Despite the duo always bickering, they have each other’s best interests at heart. Their bond is apparent when they stand by each other’s side and fight the villagers who are trying to invade the enchanted castle.

1 Timon & Pumbaa

From: The Lion King (1994)

Timon and Pumbaa’s famous philosophy “Hakuna Matata” is an apt presentation of their carefree friendship. Timon and Pumbaa are the most hilarious duo featured in a Disney animated movie. They play to each other’s strengths and enjoy life to the fullest. The duo uses their opposing personalities to add humor to the movie while teaching valuable lessons about friendship and the simplicity of taking life a day at a time. Unlike some of the duos in Disney animated movies, Timon and Pumbaa don’t argue. They do not take each other for granted. They love and support each other through all of life’s ups and downs.