10 Best Amulets To Equip First in Prince of Persia: The Lost Crown

10 Best Amulets To Equip First in Prince of Persia: The Lost Crown

The action-packed combat and exploration of Prince of Persia: The Lost Crown becomes easier when you equip Amulets to give Sargon their first buffs to aid their journey across Mount Qaf. These items offer a wide range of different abilities and can be upgraded to become even stronger. However, each Amulet takes up a number of slots in your Necklace, which limits how many you may wear at a time.

You have a chance to spend Time Crystals to buy Amulet Holders for your Necklace as you progress through the main quests. This allows Sargon to have more Amulet slots and room for ones that take up more space. The inspiration from the Ori games can be felt through the modifiers activated by each charm you use while discovering new areas.

10 Best Amulets To Equip First in Prince of Persia: The Lost Crown


Prince of Persia: The Lost Crown Preview: A Delightful Mix Between A Classic Franchise & Modern Metroidvanias

Screen Rant went hands-on with Ubisoft’s Prince of Persia: The Lost Crown at Brazil Game Show 2023. Here are our first impressions of the game.

10 Eye Of Destiny

Reveal the Health of Enemies

Prince of Persia: The Lost Crown Eye of Destiny Amulet with Effect Displayed



Eye of Destiny

Display enemy life bars when you hit them.

The Eye of Destiny is a straightforward Amulet in Prince of Persia: TLC that shows enemy health bars as you hit them. It can be confusing to know how many hits it will take to kill your foes as you try to perform combos that take enemies down before they can recover. For just one slot, the Eye of Destiny helps you decide which of Sargon’s attacks can be used together best.

Enemy types can range from bulky warriors to agile assassins and are dangerous to fight as you discover them in new areas. You shouldn’t spend Time Crystals to upgrade the Eye of Destiny since its ability does not improve after modification.

9 Rukhsana’s Gift

Parry for Recovery

Prince of Persia: The Lost Crown Rukhsana's Gift Amulet with Ability Displayed



Rukhsana’s Gift

Slightly restore health after a successful parry.

One of the Amulets you can buy from The Mage vendor in The Haven is Rukhsana’s Gift, which takes up two slots on Sargon’s Necklace. This jewelry rewards players who perform parries often against enemies. This Amulet works best when traveling across places full of basic enemies that you can parry easily by recognizing simple attack patterns.

Upgrading Rukhsana’s Gift improves the health restored after a parry in Prince of Persia: TLC. The “slightly” transforms into “moderately” at +1 and “greatly” at +2 if you spend enough Time Crystals and other materials at Kaheva’s Forge. Remember that going for more parries for this health recovery ability puts you at risk of taking a ton of damage from red unblockable attacks seen by stronger enemies.

8 Wolf-Bride

Build Up Your Athra




Convert a small amount of damage taken into Athra build-up.

Taking damage from environmental objects or enemy attacks in Prince of Persia: The Lost Crown is common, but you can take advantage of random hits taken with the Wolf-Bride Amulet. Athra is the special power Sargon can store from landing strikes and parries on their foes. This energy can be used to perform Athra Surges or super moves with extremely powerful abilities to aid you in combat.

Athra Surges are hard to build up since you can lose Athra meters when Sargon takes damage of any kind. The Wolf-Bride Amulet’s conversion of damage into Athra makes this process easier for those struggling to dodge enemy attacks. This Amulet also helps you avoid taking as much punishment from environmental hazards that can be difficult to avoid while platforming.

7 Blade Dancer

Make Combos Longer

Prince of Persia: The Lost Crown Blade Dancer +1 Amulet with Ability Displayed



Blade Dancer

Land the fourth attack at the end of your regular combo. Press Square (PlayStation) or X (Xbox) when the third attack hits the enemy.

Another two-slot Amulet is Blade Dancer, which adds another hit to the end of Sargon’s standing attack combo. When you attack the ground, your last attack in a combo sequence is a large spinning slash that knocks enemies back and deals significant damage. Equipping this Amulet adds another spinning slash that you can perform immediately after doing the normal finisher in Prince of Persia: The Lost Crown.

This technique works well on bosses or larger enemies who don’t get knocked back by Sargon’s attacks. While you should still be ready to parry if your foe retaliates, having an extra end to your combo allows you to ramp up the damage when you’re close to victory in Prince of Persia: The Lost Crown.

6 Mount Damavand

Resist the Pain

Prince of Persia: The Lost Crown Mount Damavand Amulet with Ability Displayed Being Sold at Kaheva's Forge



Mount Damavand

Slightly decrease the power of incoming melee attacks.

Mount Damavad is a three-slot Amulet sold at Kaheva’s Forge for 450 Time Crystals and offers excellent protection for the cost of nearly all the spaces on Sargon’s Necklace. Even if you have five or more slots available, you may only be able to have a few other Amulets on after equipping this one. Mount Damavand gives you resistance to melee attacks, which can be helpful if you still need health upgrades from Soma Petals.

Upgrading Mount Damavad lets you take less and less damage from melee strikes, but remember that ranged attacks are still just as effective. You also still take the same amount of damage from map obstacles, like spikes or poison.

5 Shield Of Mithra

Make Time for Parries



Shield of Mithra

A successful parry L2 creates a small time bubble, slowing all enemies within it.

Some Amulets are earned from completing quests in Prince of Persia: TLC, including the Shield of Mithra, which takes up three slots. This item causes you to form a small bubble that slows down time in a limited space whenever you pull off a parry correctly. The duration of this bubble can be upgraded, but this Amulet is a strong way to stop enemies or bosses in their tracks even without any enhancements.

The flow of combat highlights enemy aggression, as you may be able to see in a video by YouTube creator Skill Up that displays many hands-on impressions of the game. Having a way to change the momentum of enemies in your favor can be a great way to turn the tide of battle in Sargon’s favor throughout your adventure.


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4 Four Royal Stars

Air Combos Only

Prince of Persia: The Lost Crown Four Royal Stars +1 Amulet with Ability Displayed



Four Royal Stars

Slightly increase all melee attack damage in the air.

Sargon is an acrobatic fighter and benefits the most from launching enemies into the air for full combos that his foes can’t fight back against. The Four Royal Stars two-slot Amulet encourages this fighting style by boosting the damage of all your aerial strikes.

Once you start collecting Simurgh Feathers that give you more mobility in the air, this Amulet’s power becomes more useful. A special air dash you get after defeating the Manticore opens up new possibilities for your attack patterns in the air. More attacks while airborne means that the Four Royal Stars’ buff could apply for longer combo chains you put together on a launched enemy in Prince of Persia: TLC.

3 Indomitable Spirit

Fight Till Your Last Breath



Indomitable Spirit

Moderately increase the power of all melee attacks when health is low.

The Indomitable Spirit Amulet takes up two slots on Sargon’s Necklace and raises your attacking power when your health reaches its last bar. This boost in strength can be the last surge you need to take down a tough boss or make it to a Wak-Wak tree in time to fully heal in Prince of Persia: The Lost Crown and reset your respawn location in a new area.

Upgrades to Indomitable Spirit considerably raise the damage of your melee strikes when you’re in danger, but don’t rely on this buff for every boss fight. Those playing on harder difficulties will face enemies that deal twice the damage on normal settings and have twice the health. This ability must be used wisely to make the most of it in challenging fights.​​​​​​​

2 Blessing

Always Appreciate Extra Health

Prince of Persia: The Lost Crown Blessing +1 Amulet with Ability Displayed from Upgrade




Slightly increase max health. The additional health boost can only be regenerated at Wak-Wak Trees.

One of the first Amulets you can get is Blessing, a simple one-slot item that gives you another health bar. Upgrades give you additional health bars to raise Sargon’s survivability as you fight and explore through Mount Qaf. Much like your regular health, only Wak-Wak Trees can restore this extra benefit, so watch out for golden leaves that indicate these landmarks.

Since Wak-Wak Trees are the only way to restore the additional health bars the Blessing Amulet provides, Potions do not restore the temporary HP you receive. There are no upgrades Sargon can purchase that override this rule in Prince of Persia: TLC. Exercise caution like you normally would as you go into dangerous new areas within the Citadel.​​​​​​​

1 Dragon King

Don’t Fall Yet

Prince of Persia: The Lost Crown Dragon King Amulet with Abiliy Displayed



Dragon King

One-time protection from a killing blow by restoring a small amount of health. Regenerates at Wak-Wak Trees.

While the Dragon King Amulet takes up three slots on Sargon’s Necklace, there’s no denying how strong it is for allowing you to defy death once during a fight. This item shares similarities with the Blessing Amulet since both only recover at Wak-Wak Trees. However, Dragon King’s effect can decide between losing to a boss or overcoming the challenge it presents.

Upgrades to this Amulet impact the amount of health you get back after taking a killing blow. The powerful nature of this item makes its upgrades incredibly expensive compared to other Amulets you can collect in Prince of Persia: TLC. Make sure to spend only a few of your Xerxes Coins at the Scrapper NPC in The Depths to improve Dragon King to its maximum potential.

The best Amulets to equip first in Prince of Persia: The Lost Crown are the ones that let Sargon keep fighting or give you the right buffs you need to take down the most frustrating foes you might come across.

Prince of Persia The Lost Crown Game Poster

Prince of Persia: The Lost Crown

Prince of Persia

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January 17, 2024



Action , Adventure , Platformer