10 Below Deck Mediterranean Crew Members We Always Forget About

10 Below Deck Mediterranean Crew Members We Always Forget About

Below Deck Mediterranean remains a popular spin-off in the franchise, but some crew members were quickly forgotten after appearing on the hit reality TV show. The Bravo series gives viewers a captivating glimpse into the high-stakes world of luxury yachting against the breathtaking backdrop of the Mediterranean Sea. With almost as many seasons as the original series, Below Deck Med season 9 will be another high-stakes adventure on the seas.

While the show has introduced audiences to many colorful personalities over the seasons, it’s no secret that some crew members tend to fade into the background amid their more memorable counterparts’ drama and high jinks. There are undoubtedly forgettable Below Deck Med deckhands, but that extends to the whole crew. Whether they only lasted one season, caused very little drama, or didn’t participate in any romantic flings on board, there are many reasons why a lackluster Below Deck Med personality might be forgotten.


Bobby Giancola

Below Deck Mediterranean Seasons 1-2

Bobby Giancola appeared in Below Deck Med seasons 1 and 2, bringing charm and enthusiasm to the yacht’s deck crew. Hailing from New York, Bobby quickly became known for his affable personality and flirtatious nature, often making playful advances toward his fellow crew members. He was as a deckhand under the leadership of bosun’s Bryan Kattenburg and Wesley Walton, willing to learn and adapt to the job’s demands.

While Bobby’s presence added some lighthearted moments to the show, he wasn’t necessarily one of the standout characters of the season. Despite his best efforts to make an impression, he sometimes was overshadowed by the more dramatic storylines involving other crew members. Therefore, he is quickly forgotten from one of the show’s earlier seasons.


Bryan Kattenburg

Below Deck Mediterranean Season 1

Bryan Kattenburg appeared on Below Deck Med as a deckhand during season 1. While he was a competent crew member and performed his duties adequately, Bryan’s presence on the show often faded into the background amidst his fellow cast members’ larger personalities and dramatic storylines. He was decently well-liked and did a good job, but he didn’t add to the season’s overall story.

Bryan developed friendships with other crew members, such as Bobby and Jen Riservato, albeit without any particularly memorable moments that stood out. Despite these relationships, Bryan’s overall presence on the show remained relatively understated, contributing to his status as a forgettable crew member. Bryan’s skills as a deckhand, therefore, were unfortunately overlooked.


June Foster

Below Deck Mediterranean Season 4

June Foster appeared as a third stew in Below Deck Med season 4, joining the crew mid-season. June brought a calm and friendly demeanor to the yacht, which initially seemed promising. However, her tenure on the show was marked by a lack of assertiveness and occasional lapses in performance, making her an unfortunately forgettable stew.

Despite her sweet personality, June struggled to assert herself in high-pressure situations, leading to friction with some of her fellow crew members, particularly chief stewardess Hannah Ferrier. June’s time on the show was relatively short-lived, and she left the yacht after completing the charter season. While she made a brief impression on the series, her relatively uneventful storyline and departure made her one of the less memorable crew members.


Wesley Walton

Below Deck Mediterranean Season 3

Wesley Walton joined Below Deck Med as the bosun in season 3, working alongside Captain Sandy Yawn and the rest of the crew aboard the luxury yacht. While Wes was competent and performed his duties adequately, he lacked the standout moments or dramatic storylines that often characterize memorable crew members. His time on the show was relatively uneventful, with few noteworthy interactions or conflicts with other cast members aside from a boatmance with Malia White.

Additionally, Wes’s reserved personality didn’t lend itself to generating much on-screen drama or intrigue, further contributing to his forgettable status among viewers. Despite being a part of the Below Deck Med crew for a season, Wes’ relatively low-key presence and lack of standout moments likely resulted in him fading into the background compared to more memorable cast members like his former romantic flame, Malia. With so many more memorable cast members on the show, he doesn’t stack up.


Alex Radcliffe

Below Deck Mediterranean Season 5

Alex Radcliffe appeared in Below Deck Med season 5 as a deckhand. While he played a role in the day-to-day operations of the yacht, his presence on the show didn’t leave a lasting impression on viewers for several reasons. Unlike some of his more prominent castmates, Alex didn’t have significant conflicts or storylines that captured viewers’ attention. His interactions with other crew members were limited and didn’t result in memorable moments or dynamics.

Despite being part of the crew, Alex’s contributions to the show felt overshadowed by the more outspoken personalities and dramatic events happening onboard. His lack of standout moments or compelling storylines meant he didn’t leave a lasting impact on viewers compared to other crew members who have become fan favorites. Unfortunately, Alex is remembered by few.


Lara Flumiani

Below Deck Mediterranean Season 5

Lara Flumiani was introduced as a stew in Below Deck Med season 5, but her time on the show was brief and unmemorable. Her time on the yacht was marked by conflicts and tension with her fellow crew members, mainly Chief Stew Hannah. Their strained relationship and clashes over work duties and communication styles dominated much of Lara’s storyline, but ultimately, it didn’t lead to any significant developments or resolutions.

Lara’s abrupt departure from the yacht early in the season further diminished her impact on the show. Her exit didn’t leave a lasting impression or contribute to any story arcs, resulting in her being quickly forgotten. The most exciting thing Lara ever did on the show was abruptly leave season 5 mid-season.


Robert Westergaard

Below Deck Med Season 5

Robert Westergaard, a deckhand Below Deck Med season 5, failed to leave a lasting impression and is a forgettable cast member. One reason for this may be his limited screen time throughout the season, as he often didn’t receive as much focus or attention from the show’s editing. Additionally, Rob’s demeanor appeared more reserved and laid-back than the more outspoken crew members, which may have contributed to his lack of memorability.

He didn’t seem involved in as many significant storylines or conflicts as some of the other crew members, which could have further diminished his impact on the show’s storyline. The most interesting storyline was his relationship with Jessica More, which unfortunately ended after the finale aired. While he undoubtedly contributed to the crew dynamics and operations, Rob’s lack of standout moments or conflicts caused him to fade into the background.


Brooke Laughton

Below Deck Mediterranean Seasons 3-4

Brooke Laughton appeared in season 3 but didn’t leave a significant impression. While Brooke played a role in crew dynamics during her time on the show, she ultimately emerged as a rather forgettable figure in the show’s roster of prominent personalities. She just wasn’t interesting enough to make an impact.

Throughout her time on the show, Brooke lacked the memorable moments or dynamic conflicts that often characterize standout cast members. Instead, she usually remained on the outskirts of the drama. Brooke did engage in a romance with João Franco during season 3. He went on to become a more significant cast member, but Brooke remains a forgotten crew member from Below Deck Med. Sometimes, the lack of drama isn’t a good thing.


Lloyd Spencer

Below Deck Mediterranean Season 6

Lloyd Spencer from Below Deck Med season 6 was likable but didn’t entirely leave a lasting impression. While a hard worker and always willing to tackle a challenge, Lloyd’s personality fell on the quieter side. He lacked the dramatic flair or outrageous antics that some cast members are known for.

However, that doesn’t mean he didn’t connect with the crew. Lloyd bonded with several of his fellow deckhands. He initially confided in Courtney Veale about a negative experience on a previous yachting job, a moment proving his vulnerability. Lloyd also developed a positive working relationship with bosun Malia, proving himself a reliable deckhand. Unfortunately, he didn’t have the personality or relationships that made for great reality TV.


Jason Gaskell

Below Deck Mediterranean Season 7

Jason Gaskell struggled to fit in with the Below Deck Med crew. He clashed with superiors like Bosun Raygan Tyler and later Storm Smith, who took over after Raygan’s firing. His background and personality may have contributed to his inability to get along with his superiors and fellow deckhands, including not fitting in with the existing dynamic. Eventually, Jason decided to leave the show.

Jason left the show due to compatibility issues with other crew members, but he was qualified. Despite leaving the show, Jason is a highly experienced yacht worker with a yacht master certification. He has a background in finance and accounting, with a degree and an MBA. He worked in finance for a decade before choosing a yachting career to pursue his travel passion. However, after leaving during the season, Jason has become a forgotten Below Deck Med cast member.

10 Below Deck Mediterranean Crew Members We Always Forget About


Below Deck Mediterranean is a Bravo reality television series that follows a crew that works aboard a gigantic superyacht during the busy season. The show highlights the challenges of the crew as they serve their high-end clientele. Each season tackles new locations, such as Greece, Croatia, Italy, and France, with some repeating.

Release Date

May 3, 2016






Below Deck