10 Baldur’s Gate 3 Mobility Skills & Spells To Save You In A Pinch

10 Baldur’s Gate 3 Mobility Skills & Spells To Save You In A Pinch

When fighting in Baldur’s Gate 3 movement plays a very important part. How much the party can move around the battlefield and how they choose to do that can make all the difference in difficult fights. While a character’s movement speed is often determined by their class and race, there are other ways the party can boost this to gain the advantage in battle.

[Warning: This article has spoilers for Baldur’s Gate 3.]

When starting out in BG3 the party will only have basic tools at their disposal, however as the game progresses more skills and spells will become available. These can help the party stay one step ahead of enemies or take advantage of the environment in difficult BG3 boss fights. From simple features that all characters can use to advanced spells and abilities, these tips and tricks will help any party in tough moments.

10 Baldur’s Gate 3 Mobility Skills & Spells To Save You In A Pinch


“An Iconic, Engaging Mess Of Brilliant Ideas”: Baldur’s Gate 3 Review

Baldur’s Gate 3 is imposing in stature and its best moments are truly memorable, but some early issues with scale suggest an uneven experience.

10 Dash (Ability)

All Characters As An Action, Rogues As Bonus Action

Astarion preparing to use Dash as a cunning action for rogues in Baldur's Gate 3

Starting out, there is a very simple movement option available to all playable characters: Dash. Dash allows characters to double their movement speed at the cost of an action, so a character that can normally move nine meters/30-feet will be able to move 18 meters/60-feet. Rogues are able to use Dash as a bonus action, while fighters have the option to use their Action Surge to take the Dash action. Being able to move a bit extra can help maneuver companions into better positions to take advantage of abilities such as Sneak Attack.

9 Click Heels (Ability)

Gained From The Boots Of Speed In Act 1

Click Heels action from the Boots of Speed in Baldur's Gate 3

Click Heels is an ability granted by the Boots of Speed, which can be found late in Act 1. These rare boots will be given to the party by Thulla if she is cured of the poison affecting her. Using Click Heels is a bonus action and doubles the movement speed of the character wearing them. The condition Click Heels lasts for only one turn, but while it is active, all attacks of opportunity made against the wearer are at disadvantage. The Boots of Speed are very useful for early BG3 frontline fighters who need to move around a fight without worrying about opportunity attacks.

8 Jump (Ability)

All Characters As A Bonus Action

Astarion jumping in battle to aid Jaheira in Baldur's Gate 3

Another movement ability that might seem obvious is Jump, which is a bonus action in BG3. How far a character can jump is determined by their Strength score, allowing them to better position themselves in a fight. There are times when jumping over to an enemy might be better than simply moving due to a character’s jump distance being greater. Jumping is a great way to gain the high ground in fights for ranged fighters for an extra plus two to attack rolls.

7 Freedom Of Movement (Level Four Abjuration Spell)

Bards, Clerics, Druids

Freedom of Movement spell description in Baldur's Gate 3

Freedom of movement is a spell that stops movement speed from being reduced by difficult terrain such as ice, grease or mud. Although it costs a spell slot and can only affect one target, freedom of movement also prevents that character from being paralyzed or restrained and lasts until the party’s next long rest. This is a great spell to use on the party’s tank or healer in preparation for a big fight, letting them move around unconcerned by any enemy or environmental obstacles.

6 Force Tunnel (Ability)

Gained From Illithid Powers

For those willing to indulge in absorbing new mind flayer tadpoles and unlocking the illithid powers they hold, then Force Tunnel is a great ability. This ability can be used as an action and allows the character to charge forward nine meters/30-feet, pushing all enemies in their path out of the way. Force Tunnel recharges on a short rest and opens up new, interesting ways to move around in a fight, as this movement does not provoke attacks of opportunity. Enemies are knocked four meters/13-feet back with no saving throws, and, best of all, any allies in the way aren’t affected.

5 Longstrider (Level One Transmutation Spell)

Bards, Druids, Wizards, Rangers, Arcane Tricksters, Eldritch Knights

Longstrider is a fantastic spell that increases the target’s movement speed by three meters/10-feet. The effects of longstrider last until the party’s next long rest, and can be cast as a ritual at the start of each day. As the character who cast longstrider must keep the spell prepared in order for the buff to remain, this is a perfect use for a hireling who can then remain in camp.

4 Enhanced Leap (Level One Transmutation Spell)

Druids, Sorcerers, Wizards, Rangers, Arcane Tricksters, Eldritch Knights, Githyanki

Enhanced Leap spell description in Baldur's Gate 3

Enhanced leap is another great spell that is useful in and out of combat to reach high-up areas or leap across large distances. With this spell the target’s jump distance is tripled for 10 turns and for high Strength characters such as Lae’zel and Karlach this can get really fun. Enhanced leap is best cast out of combat before entering a fight or before switching to turn-based mode, as this way, it can be cast as a ritual without burning a spell slot.

3 Haste (Level Three Transmutation Spell)

Sorcerers, Wizards, Circle Of The Land Druids, Lore Bards, Oath Of Vengeance Paladins, Potion Of Speed

Haste spell description in Baldur's Gate 3

Haste is a brilliant and well-known BG3 spell that grants targets the hastened condition. With this condition, characters gain plus two to their AC, have advantage on Dexterity saving throws, one extra action each turn, and have their movement speed doubled. Of course, all this has a downside, too, as once haste wears off, the character will be lethargic and unable to move or take action for one turn.

Astarion looking thoughtful with three potions in the background from Baldur's Gate 3


10 Potions You Really Should Be Using (& Making) In Baldur’s Gate 3

Baldur’s Gate 3 has tons of great potions to find, purchase, and craft, but players should keep these 10 in their inventory at all times.

2 Fly (Abilities And Spells)

Illithid Powers, Scrolls, Potions, Equipment, Class Actions & Level Three Transmutation Spell

Flying is a great way to get around in BG3, and there are several ways to achieve this. The most common ways will be using grant flight, a third-level spell available to sorcerers, warlocks, wizards, as well as certain druid and bard subclasses, or through a potion of flying, which can be bought or made. Whatever method used to gain flight, the ability can open up the battlefield and exploration enormously, as flight typically uses a character’s movement rather than an action.

1 Misty Step (Level Two Conjuration Spell)

Sorcerers, Warlocks, Wizards, Circle Of The Land Druids, Oath Of The Ancients & Vengeance Paladins, Gloom Stalker Rangers, Lore Bards, Arcane Tricksters, Eldritch Knights, Githyanki

Misty step is one of the best ways to enhance mobility in Baldur’s Gate 3 due to the convenience of its use and the sheer number of classes and subclasses that have access to it. Misty step can be used as a bonus action to teleport the caster to an unoccupied space they can see within range. This movement does not provoke attacks of opportunity and is a fantastic way to get spellcasters out of tricky jams if they find themselves surrounded.

Baldur’s Gate

macOS , Microsoft Windows , PlayStation 5

August 31, 2023

Larian Studios
