10 Awesome Pieces Of Doctor Strange Fan Art We Love

10 Awesome Pieces Of Doctor Strange Fan Art We Love

There are many fandoms with a number of devoted and dedicated fans. These fans show their love of the story and characters in a number of ways. One common way to express adoration for a particular character in a story is through fan art. Often times, these pieces of art pay homage to the character by highlighting a key aspect of their personality or by reimaging them in a creative new way.

One franchise that has a number of highly popular character is the Marvel Cinematic Universe. One character whose popularity has increased in the past few years is Doctor Strange, who entered the MCU in his own film and has appeared in four films to date. With his popularity rising, it’s no surprise that there a number of stunning fan art depictions of this heroic character.

Realistic Pencil Drawing

10 Awesome Pieces Of Doctor Strange Fan Art We Love

The incredibly talented artist dario.arte has created a masterpiece with this picture. The drawing clearly depicts the character’s signature look. The picture includes so many small details that make the image seem realistic. Texture and depth are well-depicted in Doctor Strange’s hair and stubble. The expression on Doctor Strange’s face is one familiar to fans, as he looks contemplative and determined.

Concept Art Poster

Though the sequel to Doctor Strange won’t be released for a couple more years, fans are already excitedly awaiting the movie’s arrival. The announcement of the film led to discussion and speculation among fans.

In order to capture their excitement, this artist has decided to create a concept poster of the film which demonstrates their hopes for the film. Though the date on the poster is now inaccurate due to the pushback in release dates, the visuals are still stunning due to the vibrant and contrasting color palate.

 Illusion Spell

Doctor Strange has come a long way from when he first began his training.  His improvement is skills is shown through his confidence but also through his increasingly complex abilities. One of the most memorable Doctor Strange moments in the MCU is when he casts an Illusion Spell, making it appear as though he had multiple arms.

This moment was solidified in the heads of fans and inspired this piece of fan art. It is clear that this fan wanted to capture Doctor Strange’s strength and control.

Protective Fields

Doctor Strange has a number of abilities that he uses during combat. Though many of his offensive moves are enjoyed by fans, Strange also has several memorable defensive moves.

One of these moves is the protective fields he creates, using these shields to protect him from attacks. In this piece of fan art, these protective shields are the focal point of the picture and the artist has managed to recreate the magical translucent appearance of this ability.

Stylized Strange

This artist decided to create a very stylized image of Doctor Strange. It appears as though the entire image was made with splatter paint. While Doctor Strange is clearly recognizable, the decision to use this technique has provided a lot of interesting details and textures to the piece of fan art.

Female Strange

This artist decided to do something incredibly interesting with their piece of fan art. Instead of modeling Doctor Strange off of his MCU or comic book depictions, she decided to redesign the character, envisioning what they would look like if she was Doctor Strange.

While the color palate and powers and reminiscent of Doctor Strange, the outfit is adjusted to be more stylish and feminine. Seeing gender-bend fan resigns are always amazing and the fact that this artist modeling the image after herself adds an extra level of special to the image.

Color Pop Strange

This artist has created Doctor Strange in black and white with color pops of a stunning glittery green on the sides. This image is stunning and the amount of small detail work in the picture is incredible.

The picture looks realistic due to the detailed shadow and shading work the artist has done. The artist has managed to add texture and designs that stand out on Doctor Strange’s outfit even though the outfit is entirely depicted in shades of black.

Digital Art

This artist has chosen to depict Doctor Strange in their own signature style. This digital redraw has a very cartoony feel to it. The image contains a lot of thick lines that outline the character and make him pop. His face looks softer as some of the linework is a bit more rounded. The expression on his face feels different than his depiction in the MCU, but still authentic to the character.

Speed Drawing

This artist created this image of Doctor Strange while speed drawing. This cartoon depiction of Doctor Strange has a humorous feel to it. Here Strange is tiny but muscular. Due to the dimensions, his head is the focal point of the picture. Strange stands out amongst the wild background.

Charcoal Art

This artist used charcoal art to create an image of Doctor Strange. This photograph contains an amazing amount of detail and shading that provide texture to Strange’s face. The artist also included a mandala in the background to depict one of the symbols often associated with Doctor Strange.