10 Arguments Every Android User Has Been In

10 Arguments Every Android User Has Been In

With Amazon planning an “Android Day” via The Verge, Android is one of the biggest platforms in the mobile industry, with the operating system working alongside some of the biggest production companies in the world. While other options are certainly limited, Android has been able to dominate the market thanks to its many innovative and unique features and incredible capabilities.

But users who have Android have usually been in some similar arguments. While the real tech-heads out there might not relate if they have all the answers, those who have a passing knowledge of the mobile devices will surely find some familiar debates happening within their households.

What Actually Is Android?

10 Arguments Every Android User Has Been In

Not everyone actually knows what an Android is. While there are sure to be those who are very much in the know when it comes to technological conversations, a vast amount of people only recognize that Android products are anything that doesn’t fall under the Apple banner.

That’s quite a blanket description, but that’s really where the arguments start. Ultimately, Android is the operating system that major phone companies like Samsung, HTC, and Sony use. There are in reality a couple of notable alternatives to Android that consumers are starting to explore further, but which is the best variation is another argument unto itself.

What’s The Best Android Phone?

Android devices with broken phone

Ever since the market lit up with so many different options, consumers have debated which Android phone is the best. Everyone has their own opinion, but the way in which the technology used has evolved over time has demonstrated the capabilities of many of these companies.

There’s no wrong or right answer here, as different phones work for different needs. Of course, budget can also play a huge factor, but there are some great cost-effective Androids that buyers are gravitating toward. Elements like battery life are also a big deal! The game really changed with the advent of the smartphone, although there are those that still look back nostalgically on the early days – another argument!

Is It Good For Gaming?

A split image of the Pokemon GO interface for Android

Gaming is becoming the new trend within the mobile sphere, as more and more players want to be able to use their mobile device to access some of the best titles out there. There’s a lot to digest surrounding the topic, from adapted console games on Android to original apps.

That’s really where the next revolution will come, as mobiles move away from their traditional purpose, or being used to call someone, and now become a major entertainment platform. Many would argue that Android is great for gaming, and with streaming services like Netflix getting in on the action, there might be more surprises in store.

Are The Cameras Good Enough?

Iphone 13 camera closeup

The camera feature is always a big question for any phone purchaser who wants the best quality photos with easily accessible features. When comparing Android phones to the competition, there’s a lot of debate surrounding whether the cameras are actually up to scratch. All of that of course depends on the phone that’s been purchased.

Truthfully, the fact the phones are Android has less to do with the camera technology being employed in comparison to what Apple is actually doing with their photo capabilities. There are fantastic cameras out there, with multiple lenses that are arguably more competent than some professional equipment.

Which Apps Should Be Downloaded?

iPhone next to an Android phone

When launching an Android device, there are usually a wide range of apps that are already downloaded. That’s the first argument surrounding the topic, with many people debating which apps are worth keeping and which can be immediately uninstalled, perhaps for better variations.

When it comes to downloading new apps, it varies on the needs of the user. There are those apps that are based on budgeting, security, or perhaps even mindfulness that some users will swear are must-haves for any Android user. Some consumers have taken a different approach, continuing to use the model that less is more, thus saving memory space and allowing the device to work more efficiently.

Are The Screens Getting Too Big?


Android phones have essentially been competing with one another, with the size of the screen constantly increasing. Again, that’s not entirely based on the software at play, but when compared to Apple products, the opposite appears to be happening with a wider variety of smaller phones available.

As the Android software becomes more advanced, they may need more room to store the various hardware needed for the device to operate. Yet, advancement also means that eventually, elements will decrease in size. With a desire to watch shows and movies on Android devices, there’s also the point that a bigger screen benefits that.

What Accessories Should Be Bought?

Rog phone 3 accessory

There are a fair few accessories that will pair well with Android devices. One of the benefits of Android in general, perhaps in comparison to Apple, is that there’s more flexibility when it comes to customizing a phone and the types of items that can pair alongside it.

On top of that though, whether that relates to chargers or other gadgets, there are opportunities to address other Android concerns as well. Additional lenses can be purchased, for instance, to improve the camera being used or a mobile-exclusive gaming controller. Whether they are worth it continues the debate, but it’s clear that Android’s software pairs easily with these gadgets.

How Safe Is Android?

Microsoft Android foldable phone

Android’s safety, whether that’s via a phone or a tablet, is one of the most contested areas. The issue here is that some feel the security within the Android system aren’t quite as safe as they would like. There are additional options to upgrade the security features though.

External apps can be purchased or sought out for free, which should give further coverage for Android devices. That in itself is controversial, and many would prefer to continue using iOS as a platform or other alternatives in order to protect their data.

Is iOS Better?

Apple iPhone iOS 16 Lock Screen Widgets Photo Depth Effect

There have been numerous mentions of the Android alternative, iOS, which continues to fuel many of these debates. Well, iOS has other capabilities that Android doesn’t have.

On the other hand though, the customization and intuitive nature of the design certainly is a plus in Android’s column. The argument is likely to continue between the two different users for generations to come, as the mobile and tablet landscape shifts.

Should There Be More Updates?

Android 12 logo next to LG Velvet

Android doesn’t update its software nearly as much as some users would like. iOS, for instance, is known for its constant changes so that the system continues to work at its maximum capacity, while security updates are placed within the phone or tablet.

That’s not the same for Android, which has far less frequent updates, but that also means that the hardware doesn’t become as outdated quickly. So, the argument of having too much or too little updates could go either way for any Android buyers.