10 Animated Superman Fights That Need A Live-Action Adaptation

10 Animated Superman Fights That Need A Live-Action Adaptation

Superman and his DC comic book mythos have been adapted to live-action media for much of his 85-year history, but there are 10 action scenes from animated properties that are worth bringing to live-action. From the character’s inception, Superman has always been intended to represent social progress, with creators Jerry Siegel and Joe Shuster imbuing Kal-El with progressive ideals and making him as incorruptible as he is indestructible. With this in mind, Superman’s stories have a strong focus on action sequences, whether Superman is battling corrupt corporate tycoons or more outlandish threats to humanity.

Superman’s 1938 Action Comics debut changed pop culture forever and, naturally, it was not long before his escapades were adapted to screen media. This includes heartfelt and thoughtful live-action adaptations like the Christopher Reeve films from the 70s and 80s as well as the Henry Cavill solo and crossover Superman films from the DC Extended Universe. Superman’s history in animation is not to be overlooked, with some of his most influential and beloved adaptations being animated TV shows and theatrical serials. Throughout his many Superman animated adaptations, here are 10 action scenes that are worth bringing to live-action.

10 Superman Disables The Electrothanasia-Ray In A Classic Confrontation

Fleischer Superman Cartoons

10 Animated Superman Fights That Need A Live-Action Adaptation

The Fleischer Superman cartoons were the first animated Superman adaptations, and their meticulously animated action scenes still hold up. In fact, cartoons are the reason Superman has the ability to fly. Superman’s first animated outing pits the Man of Steel against an unnamed “Mad Scientist” who menaces Metropolis (portrayed as Manhattan) with his deadly “Electrothanasia-Ray.” Using his powers of flight, durability, and strength, Superman prevents the Daily Planet’s headquarters from being destroyed by the ray before disabling the weapon itself with repeated punches to the energy beam. The scene is bombastic, for sure, but the classic confrontation is worth a live-action adaptation as one of Superman’s early escapades.

9 Superman vs The Mechanical Monsters In Superman’s First Fight Against An Army Of Robots

Fleischer Superman Cartoons

Max Fleischer Superman The Mechanical Monsters

Perhaps more iconic than his first Fleischer cartoon, Superman’s second serial, “The Mechanical Monsters,” has him face another unnamed mad scientist, this time contending with a small army of robotic minions instead of a death ray. Superman’s strength means that confrontations with ordinary human opponents are usually won instantly, but the robots were strong and heavily armed enough to pose a decent challenge to Superman in the serial. The sequence’s iconic status and the fact that it gives Superman numerous powerful enemies to battle makes it another action scene worth adapting to a live-action property.

8 Superman Chases Lex Luthor’s Mercenaries And Discovers The Danger Of Kryptonite

Superman: The Animated Series, Season 1, Episode 5

Lex Luthor with Kryptonite in Superman The Animated Series

Superman: The Animated Series started off strong with its iteration of Superman’s origin and his growing rivalry with Lex Luthor, but the episode “A Little Piece of Home” is particularly noteworthy. One of the episode’s action sequences has Superman pursuing a trio of mercenaries hired by Luthor, not knowing that the criminal mastermind orchestrated the chase to lure Superman into a deadly Kryptonite trap. The chase sequence itself is quick, has little dialogue, and features some of the best music in the series, making it more than worthy of a live-action adaptation.

7 Superman vs Darkseid Is A Brutal Grudge Match

Superman: The Animated Series, Season 4, Episode 3

Superman defeats Darkseid in Superman the Animated Series.

The series finale of Superman: The Animated Series saves one of its best fight scenes for last. Darkseid, the despotic leader of Apokolips, not only murdered Dan Turpin earlier in the series but brainwashed Superman into becoming his minion in the previous episode. With his reputation on Earth irreparably damaged and the pain of losing his friend still on his mind, Superman travels to Apokolips for a brutal beatdown that leaves both combatants badly wounded. While the DCEU was also building towards a battle between Superman and Darkseid, the plans never came to pass, but perhaps their rivalry could be developed in the forthcoming DCU.

6 Superman vs Brainiac While Supergirl Foils His Plot

Superman: Unbound

Superman Unbound Brainiac

Superman: Unbound has Superman and Supergirl defending Earth against the classic supervillain Brainiac. In the animated film’s third act, Superman brawls with the hyper-intelligent being while Supergirl stops his superweapon from destroying the Sun. Having the two heroes battle Brainiac might have been planned for the DCEU, with reports suggesting that Brainiac was the intended villain of Man of Steel 2 and Sasha Calle’s Supergirl nearly joining the main timeline with Henry Cavill’s Superman. Unfortunately, Cavill’s time as Superman has ended, and Calle’s future as Supergirl is uncertain, but the DCU could potentially have new versions of Superman and Supergirl fight Brainiac as they do in Unbound.

5 Superman Outwits Mr. Mxyzptlk In An Exciting Action-Comedy Sequence

Superman: The Animated Series, Season 2, Episode 8

The comedic and near-omnipotent inter-dimensional being, Mr. Mxyzptlk, made his DCAU debut in the Superman episode “Mxyzpixilated,” voiced by the late Gilbert Gottfried. After his attempts to torment Superman are foiled time and again, Mxyzptlk threatens to expose Superman’s secret identity unless the Man of Steel plays along with his nonsensical antics. This leads to a chase through Metropolis, with Mxyzptlk taking the form of a Kryptonite missile, only for Superman to cleverly outwit him yet again. The sequence, like the episode itself, is as exciting as it is hilarious, making it a worthwhile sequence to include in a live-action Superman property.

4 Superman and Batman vs Metallo While Suffering From Kryptonite Poisoning

Superman/Batman: Public Enemies

While Metallo is no stranger to live-action Superman adaptations, his battle against both Superman and Batman from both the comics and the animated film, Superman/Batman: Public Enemies, has yet to be adapted to live-action. The film has Superman attempting to defeat Metallo while keeping his distance from the villain’s Kryptonite heart. Superman survives the encounter thanks to Batman, showing how well the two work together. Metallo was considered as a villain in a Man of Steel sequel and the DCEU did feature Superman and Batman working together as allies (once their initial feud ended). The forthcoming DCU can, perhaps, bring this exciting fight to the realm of live-action someday.

3 Superman Vs The Elite Shows Why Superman Must Never Kill

Superman vs. The Elite

With evil versions (or analogs) of Superman being something of a fad in recent years, the animated film Superman vs. The Elite is more relevant than ever. The film, which adapts a 2001 Action Comics issue pits Superman against a team of brutal anti-heroes and ends with Superman seemingly adopting their lethal methods. The film effectively argues in favor of Superman’s rule against killing, and it would have been an ideal follow-up to Man of Steel in the DCEU. With the Superman film franchise getting a new start in the DCU, perhaps a future installment could adapt this storyline.

2 Superman vs Darkseid Allowed Superman To Cut Loose

Justice League Unlimited, Season 3 Episode 13

Superman Gives Darkseid His Cardboard World Speech

The series finale of Justice League Unlimited ends with one last fight between Superman and Darkseid. In a now-iconic sequence, Superman reveals that he had been holding back his true strength throughout the entire DCAU franchise, but Darkseid is durable enough for Superman to finally “cut loose” and make short work of the despot. As with Superman’s grudge match in the Superman: The Animated Series finale, this fight requires a significant amount of buildup but, if adapted correctly, would be an excellent moment in a live-action property.

1 Superman vs Lex Luthor Pit Superman Against His Greatest Enemy

Superman/Batman: Public Enemies

Superman vs Lex Luthor in Superman/Batman: Public Enemies.

Superman/Batman: Public Enemies saves its best fight for last, with Superman and his greatest enemy, Lex Luthor, in a rare physical battle. Lex Luthor’s clashes with Superman are typically intellectual, with Luthor’s criminal genius making him a worthy opponent for Superman without the need for a physical confrontation. In the comics and Public Enemies, however, Luthor dons his iconic warsuit, which grants him the necessary strength and durability to fight and potentially kill Superman. While Lex Luthor’s warsuit has made live-action appearances, he has yet to fight Superman himself using the suit, making such a fight worthy of being adapted to live-action.

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