1 Spider-Man Weakness Could Be Miles Morales’ Downfall (And Daredevil Knows It)

1 Spider-Man Weakness Could Be Miles Morales’ Downfall (And Daredevil Knows It)

Warning: Spoilers for Daredevil: Gang War #4!Miles Morales has one weakness that could plummet his time as Spider-Man into failure, and it’s a weakness that Daredevil knows all too well. Miles is slowly overcoming his broken Spider-Sense, arguably his biggest weakness, but this new flaw runs deeper than just his powers. His latest weakness boils down to his idealism at the center of his character.

Spider-Man’s same idealism gets called out by the new Daredevil, Elektra, in Daredevil: Gang War #4. The issue marks the conclusion of Marvel’s “Gang War” storyline, in which Miles Morales and Daredevil (among other NYC heroes) come together to protect the city from warring criminal gangs.

1 Spider-Man Weakness Could Be Miles Morales’ Downfall (And Daredevil Knows It)

As the streets are swept clean, Elektra notes just how idealistic Miles is. While she finds it “adorable,” she worries it’ll get him killed one day. Considering the history of Spider-Men and idealism, she has every right to be concerned.

Spider-Men Have a History of Being Too Idealistic

Daredevil: Gang War #4 by Eric Schultz, Sergio Davila, Sean Parsons, Ceci De La Cruz, and VC’s Clayton Cowles

Miles Morales being an all-too-idealistic Spider-Man shouldn’t come as too much of a surprise, considering that he takes after his predecessor, Peter Parker. Peter’s idealism and optimism toward the world has always been one of his best traits in any form of media, but it’s a trait that has its faults. The new Ultimate Spider-Man series is centered around a Spider-Man who is far too trusting in a way that could get someone killed. Peter wants to always see the good that people have to offer, but this frequently leaves him blindsided by the evils in those same people.

Now, this quality is rubbing off of Peter and onto Miles. While being so nice, optimistic, and friendly should come with the territory of being Spider-Man, a line should be drawn between hoping for the best in people and expecting the worst in people. Peter always teetered on that line between expectations vs. reality, and maybe he still does to an extent. Miles, being much younger, still has to learn where that line can be drawn. But if he’s not careful, not seeing that line can just as easily get himself killed as much as it can someone else.

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While Daredevil’s fears might just be a warning for this Spider-Man, it could also serve as an additional bit of foreshadowing of a certain doom that Miles Morales could face in the future. Marvel has already hinted that a new Sinister Six could await Miles if he’s not prepared to take on multiple foes at once. Perhaps being ill-prepared for such an encounter would be what leads to his downfall. Even worse, it could be the result of him naively expecting the best-case scenario. If Daredevil‘s warning comes to fruition, then Miles MoralesSpider-Man is in certain danger.