1 Power Rangers Plot Hole Means Kimberly Never Lost Her Pink Ranger Powers

1 Power Rangers Plot Hole Means Kimberly Never Lost Her Pink Ranger Powers

One major plot hole from the 1990s Mighty Morphin’ Power Rangers series reminds readers that Kimberly never lost her Pink Ranger powers resurfaces in Power Rangers: Pink, a series focusing on Kimberly’s post-Ranger life. When her mom is kidnapped by Goldar and the village of St. Moineau, France is overcome by evil, Kimberly has to make an emergency call to Zordon.

In Mighty Morphin’ Power Rangers: Pink #1 – written by Brenden Fletcher and Kelly Thompson, with art by Daniele Di Nicuolo, color by Sarah Stern, and lettering by Boom! Studios mainstay Ed Dukeshire – Zordon reveals to Kimberly that she never lost her Pink Ranger powers, helping her activate them through the Sword of Light.

Kimberly Retains Her Pink Ranger Powers

1 Power Rangers Plot Hole Means Kimberly Never Lost Her Pink Ranger Powers

It was established in the second season of Mighty Morphin’ Power Rangers that the only way for exiting Power Rangers to transfer their powers to someone joining the team is through the Sword of Light. After retrieving the sword from the Deserted Planet in the two-part episode, “The Power Transfer,” Jason, Trini, and Zack are able to give their respective powers to Rocky, Aisha, and Adam. When it’s time for Kimberly to leave in the next season’s three-part “A Different Shade of Pink,” there’s no mention of the Sword of Light. She simply gives Kat her communicator and morpher – then with Zordon’s blessing, Kat is the new Pink Ranger.

Power Ranger Comics Can Expand On Classic TV Storylines

Kimberly Hart of the Mighty Morphin Power Rangers becomes the Pink Ranger again

One of the best aspects of Power Rangers comics is it allows writers to expand, recontextualize, and revisit ideas from the show, especially ones that were never quite fleshed out to their fullest potential. The way that the Power Transfer plot hole weaves its way into Mighty Morphin Power Rangers: Pink is a perfect example. This wasn’t the first time the Power Rangers comics have fixed TV plot holes, but it is certainly one of the most notable instances since Boom! Studios began its Rangers imprint. After the TV series introduced the Sword of Light, only to not use it subsequently, Pink #1 makes it a major plot point.

Mighty Morphin Power Rangers: Pink #1 also establishes that even if a Ranger gives up their morpher, they still have a Power Ranger’s energy or essence inside of them. Rangers powers have classically been tied to the tech provided by Zordon – making this another signification development of Power Rangers lore. This could offer an explanation as to how some Rangers have been able to regain their Rangerhood over the years, during different team-ups. While Mighty Morphin Power Rangers: Pink provided few further answers to these questions, Boom! Studios Mighty Morphin’ Power Rangers comics give future writers the opportunity to explore underutilized elements of the 1990s television show like the Sword of Light.