1 Flash Rogue Is Shockingly Similar to a Fan-Favorite Avenger

1 Flash Rogue Is Shockingly Similar to a Fan-Favorite Avenger

During one Marvel/DC crossover event, Justice League member Flash called out the Avengers’ Hawkeye for having nearly the exact same move set as iconic villain Captain Boomerang. This similarity allowed Flash to evade every single one of Hawkeye’s trick arrows and easily take Hawkeye down, all because of his experience fighting Captain Boomerang in the past.

JLA/Avengers #2 – by Kurt Busiek, George Perez, Tom Smith, and Comicraft – found the Marvel and DC Universes inexplicably fusing together, resulting in some characters ending up in one universe, while others materialized in the other. This eventually culminated in a giant fight between the two teams.

1 Flash Rogue Is Shockingly Similar to a Fan-Favorite Avenger

As Superman and Thor fought each other in the skies, and Captain America and Batman battled across rooftops, Flash and Hawkeye faced off at street level. Despite Hawkeye’s incredible arsenal of trick-arrows, they couldn’t stand up against Flash’s speed and his experience with similar weapons, wielded by enemies and allies alike.

Comic book art: Superman stands next to a group of Marvel's Avengers.


Superman Hates One Major Marvel Team

The Avengers are Earth’s Mightiest Heroes, but despite this massive claim to fame, the classic Marvel team has yet to impress DC’s Superman.

Flash’s Experience With Captain Boomerang Allowed Him To Evade Hawkeye’s Trick Arrows Easily

Captain Boomerang DC

Flash often goes up against a group of villains known as the Rogues, and one of the main members of this group is Captain Boomerang. Captain Boomerang has used tons of trick boomerangs over the years, from exploding ones to regular bladed ones. He’s tried everything he can to get an advantage over the Scarlet Speedsters, but it’s yet to actually pay off. Flash has fought Captain Boomerang for years, and this has made him especially alert to people throwing things at him, which made him perfectly capable of handling Hawkeye.

Hawkeye is a mainstay on the Avengers roster, and is generally considered one of the best archers to ever live in the Marvel Universe. His marksmanship is so absurd that Hawkeye once killed someone with a fingernail, by flicking it at them, a truly absurd feat of marksmanship. Since then, he has only enhanced his skills by using trick-arrows over the years, that mimic a wide variety of effects. Despite these high skills, though, Flash was still able to run circles around Hawkeye.

Flash Has Experience With Archers, Friend And Foe

Hawkeye Marvel Adamantium Arrow

Not only has Flash fought against Captain Boomerang for years, but he’s also worked with Green Arrow for decades, and Oliver has an extremely similar M.O. to Hawkeye. Green Arrow’s claim to fame is the absolutely bizarre trick arrows that he has used in the past. These are clearly something Flash would be familiar with and would see Oliver use against Justice League enemies, especially since evil speedsters are more common in the DC Universe than they are in the Marvel Universe.

As a member of the Avengers, Hawkeye has saved the world countless times, but he’s never really regularly fought speedsters like the Flash, especially since Flash is generally considered faster than Marvel’s speedsters. Flash, by contrast, has regularly fought characters similar to Hawkeye, who rely on long-range tricks and gadgets. This proved to make all the difference when these two iconic heroes ended up fighting one another, and consequently, Flash was able to take Hawkeye down, all because of his experience with one iconic Flash rogue.