1 Evil Dead Rise Line Finally Explains Why Deadites Are So Unpredictable

1 Evil Dead Rise Line Finally Explains Why Deadites Are So Unpredictable

After several movies displayed just how unpredictable the vicious Deadites can be when torturing their victims, one Evil Dead Rise line finally revealed what their motivation is. With few exceptions, the living victims of Deadites eventually die in gruesome fashion, and it’s fairly clear that they have the ability to kill their victims whenever they want. But the defining characteristic of a Deadite possession is not the eventual outcome, it’s the insane behavior of the possessed individuals while under the influence of the Deadites.

As the Evil Dead franchise has evolved, the Deadite behavior has ranged from almost silly to extremely disturbing, but the common thread is their completely unpredictable nature. There is no textbook Deadite possession, and each instance reveals new and twisted ways that the Deadites can morph flesh, spread their infection and torment the people closest to the victim. The true intention of the Deadites’ behavior was finally revealed in Evil Dead Rise, and it explains all the madness sown by the Deadites throughout history.

Evil Dead Rise Reveals Deadites Want ‘Chaos’

1 Evil Dead Rise Line Finally Explains Why Deadites Are So Unpredictable

The recordings of the priest found with the Naturom Demonto in the vault at the outset of Evil Dead Rise revealed the true intention of the Deadites chaos. As the priest, voiced by Evil Dead franchise star Bruce Campbell, describes, a Deadite “takes its pleasure in creating terror through total chaos.” The aim of the parasitic demons is not to kill their victims – it is to enjoy the fear created by their unpredictable behavior.

This explains most of the actions of the Deadites, and why they even go so far as to possess already-dead individuals. Rotting their victims from the inside out, appearing uninfected to deceive others, and the group-merging seen at the climax of Evil Dead Rise are all tricks that Deadites use to sow fear and chaos in whatever environment they happen to invade. The deceptions they use and the confusion they create also make it far easier for them to infect others, as observed when the Ellie Deadite appears to return to her uninfected state to trick her youngest daughter into opening the apartment door.

Evil Dead Rise’s ‘Chaos’ Line Explains The Franchise’s Other Weird Deadites

Bruce Campbell as Ash Williams with Cougie from Ash vs Evil Dead

The Deadites’ desire for chaos explains why their possessed victims are so different in their appearance and abilities. While they are sometimes played almost as jokes (as was the case with Cougie the half-human, half-mascot Deadite in season 3 of Ash vs. Evil Dead) the various versions of the Deadites are totally unpredictable in their actions, making them that much harder to defeat. The Deadites find new ways to terrify with every interaction, resulting in some truly bizarre creatures.

One of the best examples occurs in Evil Dead Rise itself. The Ellie, Danny, and Bridget Deadites literally melt their bodies together to create a monstrous entity known as The Marauder, which is unlike anything ever seen in the Evil Dead movies or TV show. That merging makes very little sense – as three separate people, the Deadites would likely have an easier time pursuing and infecting Beth and Kassie. However, as The Marauder, they create something far scarier and more disturbing, which elevates the fear and chaos they crave.